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Trying to replace XML element element using XDT and XPath locator

Hi I am trying to replace the <cron-expression> using VS2012 XDT by using the following transform on a quartz.net job description file. I have tested the XPath locator using an online tester and it returns 'what i think i need'. Any help is appreciated.

        <cron xdt:Locator="XPath(//job-scheduling-data/schedule/trigger/cron[name='crontriggername2'])" >
            <cron-expression  xdt:Transform="Replace">***some data***</cron-expression>

for the sample XML file (Quartz.net)

  <job-scheduling-data xmlns="http://quartznet.sourceforge.net/JobSchedulingData" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="2.0"><processing-directives>

            <cron-expression>0/5 * * * * ?</cron-expression>

            <cron-expression>0/13 * * * * ?</cron-expression>

The XPath //job-scheduling-data/schedule/trigger/cron[name='crontriggername2']

returns me the correct element group (http://www.freeformatter.com/xpath-tester.html1)

  <cron-expression>0/13 * * * * ?</cron-expression>

I based the expression on the solution to another XDT quesion on Log4net (log4Net config transform)

Can anybody point me to a correct solution, this is driving me insane. Thanks in advance.

like image 658
PingCrosby Avatar asked Dec 15 '22 00:12


2 Answers

An alternative solution that does not need any modifications to the original file is

<job-scheduling-data xmlns="http://quartznet.sourceforge.net/JobSchedulingData" xmlns:xdt="http://schemas.microsoft.com/XML-Document-Transform">

        <cron xdt:Locator="XPath(//*[local-name()='job-scheduling-data']
                                   [*[local-name() = 'name'] = 'MyTriggerName'])">

or this syntax...

        <cron xdt:Locator="XPath(//*[local-name()='job-scheduling-data' and namespace-uri()='http://quartznet.sourceforge.net/JobSchedulingData']
                                 /*[local-name()='schedule' and namespace-uri()='http://quartznet.sourceforge.net/JobSchedulingData']
                                 /*[local-name()='trigger' and namespace-uri()='http://quartznet.sourceforge.net/JobSchedulingData']
                                 /*[local-name()='cron' and namespace-uri()='http://quartznet.sourceforge.net/JobSchedulingData']
                                   [*[local-name() = 'name'] = 'MyTriggerName'])">

            <cron-expression  xdt:Transform="Replace">***some data***</cron-expression>

see also I am trying to get the Xpath for a value but getting error for nested condition

like image 120
PingCrosby Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 09:01


Apply a namespace alias to the quartz namespace in the transform file (it can be left as the default in the original jobs config file) and use that alias on all the quartz nodes, including inside the XPath. Additionally you can use Condition rather than XPath and thus only specify the portion of the XPath expression that is relative to the current node's expression.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<q:job-scheduling-data xmlns:q="http://quartznet.sourceforge.net/JobSchedulingData" xmlns:xdt="http://schemas.microsoft.com/XML-Document-Transform">
            <q:cron xdt:Locator="Condition(q:name='crontriggername2')" >
                <q:cron-expression xdt:Transform="Replace">***some data***</q:cron-expression>
like image 24
Josh Gallagher Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 09:01

Josh Gallagher