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Trying to pass Generic type as parameter in Swift

I am Using AlamofireObjectMapper i need to make a func that take a Generic parameter like that :

func doSomething < T : BaseMappable > (myCustomClass : T) 
    Alamofire.request("url", method: .get, parameters: nil, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: APIKeys().AuthorizedHeader).responseObject(completionHandler: { ( response :DataResponse<T>) in

             let data = response.result.value

            if let array = data?.objects
                for ar in array



but iam getting error :

Use of undeclared type 'myCustomClass' edit as you guys answer me in the comments i put fixed the error but i got another error when iam trying to call this method

i called the method like that

doSomething(myCustomClass: Promotions)

but i got another error

Argument type 'Promotions.Type' does not conform to expected type 'BaseMappable'

and here's my Promotions class

import ObjectMapper

class Promotions : Mappable  {

        var id:Int?
        var workshop_id:Int?
        var title:String?
        var desc:String?
        var start_date:String?
        var expire_date:String?
        var type:String?

        var objects  = [Promotions]()

        required init?(map: Map){


        func mapping(map: Map) {
            id <- map["id"]
            workshop_id <- map["workshop_id"]
            title <- map["title"]
            desc <- map["desc"]
            start_date <- map["start_date"]
            expire_date <- map["expire_date"]
            type <- map["type"]
            objects <- map["promotions"]


How can i fix that

like image 740
Muhammed Avatar asked May 22 '17 15:05


2 Answers

You need to pass as argument the type of Generic Type T. Try changing

myCustomClass : T


myCustomClass : T.Type

The result would look like:

Swift 4:

    func doSomething<T>(myCustomClass : T.Type) where T : BaseMappable
        Alamofire.request("url", method: .get, parameters: nil, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: APIKeys().AuthorizedHeader).responseObject(completionHandler: { ( response :DataResponse<T>) in

                 let data = response.result.value

                if let array = data?.objects
                    for ar in array


Then, you should call the method:

doSomething(myCustomClass: Promotions.self)
like image 154
Aitor Salvador Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 15:09

Aitor Salvador

Just pass the Promotions.self as the parameter.

doSomething(myCustomClass: Promotions.self)

This'll overcome the error that you are getting in the function call.

like image 37
TharinduKetipe Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
