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Trying to create a edit in place style form in vue.js

This is my first attempt to create anything with vue.

Here's a quick JSFiddle demo

I'm trying to create a form that display the values without input, and then clicked, the input will display. I've managed to have a mockup "working", but I'm not very sure if this is the correct approach or not. I'm not very sure about:

Vue.nextTick(function() {

On the other hand, is there a recommended input validation library or something?

I would really appreciate any guidelines here :wink:


like image 758
Chux Avatar asked May 02 '17 11:05


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1 Answers

Regarding you first question I don't think there is an issue with using plain javascript to focus on your input. You can also achieve this with vue refs See updated fiddle

This doesn't look cleaner but with refs you can put what you want as a ref and you are not limited by ids and in the end it's your choice what to use.

Regarding validation libraries here are a few:

  1. Vuelidate
  2. Vee Validate
  3. Other ones
like image 54
Cristi Jora Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 22:09

Cristi Jora