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React-native, Firebase network error while trying to log in

I've followed a React-native login tutorial using Firebase, I use create-react-native-app for easy dev(my package.json), I'm using NodeJS v6.10.1, I'm using Note 4 Device(4.4.4), I enabled Email/Password authentication within Firebase console, for some reason I get:

    code: "auth/network-request-failed",
    message: "A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred."

I didn't forgot to use firebase.initializeApp and my code is:

firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
.catch(e0 => {
  firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
    .catch(e1 => {
      this.setState({ error: 'Authentication Failed.' });

For both I get the same error object.

like image 853
Aviel Fedida Avatar asked Apr 17 '17 19:04

Aviel Fedida

1 Answers

So the problem was:

It all starts by this Debugger and device times have drifted by more than 60s, due to other, adb related problem I couldn't run adb shell "date -sdate +%m%d%H%M%Y.%S", after I fixed my adb problem I run adb shell "date -sdate +%m%d%H%M%Y.%S", now the Firebase error was saying: such as timeout, adb(my computer) time was -4min than the device, so to fix that I changed the time on my computer, adding 4min so it will match the device time.

What I assume was the problem, I'm not a networks expert so please if anyone can fix some of my assumptions if there is something wrong:

For explanation I just use unreal stuff(reqTimestamp,...), but the concept is valid(I hope):

The device signed the request with a timestamp and a timeout, for example, reqTimestamp=22:16, reqTimeout=22:17, my device is connected throught my wifi, so when the modem connected to my computer, a basic check on my computer or internally the modem, such as: if(reqTimeout > timeNow) reject, could prevent the request from even leave my network so Firebase issue this generic error regarding network problem.

like image 102
Aviel Fedida Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 15:11

Aviel Fedida