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Try reinstalling `node-sass` on node 0.12?





People also ask

Why do I have to rebuild node sass?

To make node-sass available in your source code, npm needs to build the package and create a binding for your environment. When you change the version of Node. js used on your project, then the binding needs to be rebuild so that node-sass can be imported and executed from your code.

How do you fix error node sass does not yet support your current environment?

Another approach to fix the “Node Sass does not yet support your current environment” error would be to downgrade your Node back to the version it was when node-sass worked. You could use the nvm use [node version] command to achieve this.

What replaced node sass?

Migrating from Node-Sass to Sass (Dart-Sass) with npm - DEV Community.

If your node version is 4 and you are using gulp-sass, then try

npm uninstall --save-dev gulp-sass

npm install --save-dev gulp-sass@2

I found this useful command:

npm rebuild node-sass

From the rebuild documentation:

This is useful when you install a new version of node (or switch node versions), and must recompile all your C++ addons with the new node.js binary.


I ran into this error using node 0.12.0 and it was fixed by deleting the existing /node_modules directory and running npm update.

npm rebuild node-sass was giving me errors (Ubuntu) and npm install gulp-sass didn't make the error go away.

Saw a solution on GitHub which worked for me:

npm uninstall --save-dev gulp-sass

npm install --save-dev gulp-sass