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`try ... except not` construction

Recently I met an example of code I've never seen before:

    # a simple bunch of code
    if sample == 0:
        return True
        raise ExampleError()
except not ExampleError:
    raise AnotherExampleError()

How does it work (if it works at all)?

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kevlar Avatar asked May 10 '19 12:05


People also ask

When to use try except?

A try block allows you to handle an expected error. The except block should only catch exceptions you are prepared to handle. If you handle an unexpected error, your code may do the wrong thing and hide bugs.

Do you need except block in try?

Try Except in Python The try block is used to check some code for errors i.e the code inside the try block will execute when there is no error in the program. Whereas the code inside the except block will execute whenever the program encounters some error in the preceding try block.

Do you need an except block in Python?

By using an except block, you tell the program what to do in the event of a KeyError (here, assign result_dict[value] = 1 if it doesn't exist), and then the program continues. Basically, you're avoiding a crash.

3 Answers

This is not going to be successful on any version of Python as far as I know. Because the not operator always results in a Boolean value (True or False) this is trying to catch one of those values here, in this case False. Since you can't throw True or False there's no use for this.

I think the intent of the author was something like this:

    raise ExampleError()
except ExampleError e:
    throw e
    raise AnotherExampleError()
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Quinn Mortimer Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 19:10

Quinn Mortimer

EDIT: The answer below was for Python 3, I didn't realise the question related to Python 2.7. in Python 2, as it seems, the interpreter does not complain if the expression after except does not result in a subtype of BaseException. However, the behavior is still wrong, it will just ignore that except block in all cases.

That's a funny construction that is syntactically valid but semantically wrong. I suppose the author of the code meant to express something like "run this except block for any exception type but ExampleError". However, what is really happening is more like:

    # ...
except (not bool(ExampleError)):
    # ...

When an exception is raised in the try block, Python goes through the different except blocks looking for one that matches the exception type. When it sees except not ExampleError, equivalent to except (not bool(ExampleError)), it results in except False, which is invalid because False is not a subtype of BaseException (or a tuple of subtypes of BaseException). So the code may even run if no exceptions are raised but is wrong.

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jdehesa Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 20:10


A quick test shows that the code will throw a TypeError if it reaches that line:

  raise BaseException
except not BaseException:
except BaseException:


During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 3, in except not BaseException: TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed

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AK47 Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 20:10
