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Troubleshooting auto vectorize reason '1200'

MSVC 2013 Ultimate w/ Update 4

Not understanding why I am getting this error on this seemingly simple example

info C5002: loop not vectorized due to reason '1200'

which is

1200 Loop contains loop-carried data dependences

I don't see how the iterations of the loop could interfere with each other.

__declspec( align( 16 ) ) class PhysicsSystem
    static const int32_t MaxEntities = 65535;

    __declspec( align( 16 ) ) struct VectorizedXYZ
        double      mX[ MaxEntities ];
        double      mY[ MaxEntities ];
        double      mZ[ MaxEntities ];

            memset( mX, 0, sizeof( mX ) );
            memset( mY, 0, sizeof( mY ) );
            memset( mZ, 0, sizeof( mZ ) );

    void Update( double dt )
        for ( int32_t i = 0; i < MaxEntities; ++i ) <== 1200
            mTmp.mX[ i ] = mPos.mX[ i ] + mVel.mX[ i ] * dt;
            mTmp.mY[ i ] = mPos.mY[ i ] + mVel.mY[ i ] * dt;
            mTmp.mZ[ i ] = mPos.mZ[ i ] + mVel.mZ[ i ] * dt;

    VectorizedXYZ   mTmp;
    VectorizedXYZ   mPos;
    VectorizedXYZ   mVel;

Edit: Judging by http://blogs.msdn.com/b/nativeconcurrency/archive/2012/05/08/auto-vectorizer-in-visual-studio-11-rules-for-loop-body.aspx this would seem to be an example of "Example 1 – Embarrassingly Parallel", but it acts like it thinks the arrays are unsafe from aliasing, which is puzzling to me.

Edit2: It would be nice if someone could share the reasons why the auto vectorization fails on such a seemingly simple example, but after tinkering with it for some time, I opted instead to take the reigns myself

void PhysicsSystem::Update( Real dt )
    const __m128d mdt = { dt, dt };

    // advance by 2 since we can do 2 at a time at double precision in __m128d
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < MaxEntities; i += 2 )
        __m128d posX = _mm_load_pd( &mPos.mX[ i ] );
        __m128d posY = _mm_load_pd( &mPos.mY[ i ] );
        __m128d posZ = _mm_load_pd( &mPos.mZ[ i ] );

        __m128d velX = _mm_load_pd( &mVel.mX[ i ] );
        __m128d velY = _mm_load_pd( &mVel.mY[ i ] );
        __m128d velZ = _mm_load_pd( &mVel.mZ[ i ] );

        __m128d velFrameX = _mm_mul_pd( velX, mdt );
        __m128d velFrameY = _mm_mul_pd( velY, mdt );
        __m128d velFrameZ = _mm_mul_pd( velZ, mdt );

        _mm_store_pd( &mPos.mX[ i ], _mm_add_pd( posX, velFrameX ) );
        _mm_store_pd( &mPos.mY[ i ], _mm_add_pd( posX, velFrameY ) );
        _mm_store_pd( &mPos.mZ[ i ], _mm_add_pd( posX, velFrameZ ) );
like image 918
jswigart Avatar asked Oct 03 '15 06:10


1 Answers

Not sure if your compiler supports it, but for enforcing some proper vectorisation, you can portably do that:

void PhysicsSystem::Update( double dt ) {
    double *tx=mTmp.mX, *ty=mTmp.mY, *tz=mTmp.mZ;
    double *px=mPos.mX, *py=mPos.mY, *pz=mPos.mZ;
    double *vx=mVel.mX, *vy=mVel.mY, *vz=mVel.mZ;
    #pragma omp simd aligned( tx, ty, tz, px, py, pz, vx, vy, vz )
    for ( int i = 0; i < MaxEntities; ++i ) {
        tx[ i ] = px[ i ] + vx[ i ] * dt;
        ty[ i ] = py[ i ] + vy[ i ] * dt;
        tz[ i ] = pz[ i ] + vz[ i ] * dt;

You need then to enable the OpenMP support for the directive to be taken into account.

like image 60
Gilles Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 06:11
