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trouble with updating my object


Hello I am pretty new at JavaScript and I am a little stuck right now. The point of the project I'm doing is to create a card object and have methods that set a new face and suit. When I click the button to show my card it works however when I click the button to update my face and suit and reclick the button to show my card it doesn't show the updated info. I've been on this for quite a while now and still don't understand why it doesn't work. PLS HELP :)

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <title>Object Oriented Programming</title>
    function Card(suit, face) {
      this.suit = suit;
      this.face = face;
      this.card = face + ' of ' + suit;
      this.showCard = function() {
      this.setSF = function(newSuit, newFace) {
        this.suit = newSuit;
        this.face = newFace;

    var card1 = new Card("Diamonds", 8);

  <input type="button" value="Show card" onclick="card1.showCard()" />
  <input type="button" value="Click to change the suit and face" onclick="card1.setSF('Hearts',5)" />


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codenoob Avatar asked Jun 18 '18 01:06


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1 Answers

You are close. It's because you aren't updating this.card when you set the new card. So instead of alerting this.card, just alert this.face + ' of ' + this.suit which you did update, and remove this.card all together as it isn't really doing anything and is redundant.

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <title>Object Oriented Programming</title>
    function Card(suit, face) {
      this.suit = suit;
      this.face = face;
      this.showCard = function() {
        alert(this.face + ' of ' + this.suit);
      this.setSF = function(newSuit, newFace) {
        this.suit = newSuit;
        this.face = newFace;

    var card1 = new Card("Diamonds", 8);

  <input type="button" value="Show card" onclick="card1.showCard()" />
  <input type="button" value="Click to change the suit and face" onclick="card1.setSF('Hearts',5)" />


like image 180
Jordan Soltman Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 18:09

Jordan Soltman