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Update android internal test app in developer console


We have an app launched in google playstore.I made some changes to the app and uploaded a new version to the internal test track. While doing the internal test, we identified an issue and i wanted to update internal test app "with the same version number". Since the app is not released to Alpha or beta test, is it possible to update it? If so how do i do that?

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Shankar Anand Avatar asked Jun 19 '18 20:06

Shankar Anand

People also ask

How do I update my internal test app?

Upload a version of your app that uses a version code that is higher than the one you already have installed on the test device. On the test device, click the internal app sharing link for the updated version of your app but do not install the app from the Play Store page that appears after you click the link.

1 Answers

Just had the same problem, this is what I found out:

According to the Docs (https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/113476?hl=de) the version code must be higher for an update.

Just increment it, as it is not shown to the user anyways. The release-name, which is shown to the user, can stay the same.

So to update, I tried the following:

  • On the internal test track, click 'Manage'
  • Inside of this track, click 'Create Release'
  • Set everything up as you want (there is a copy from previous release option at the bottom), just make sure the version code has been incremented, so you can upload your apk. Then, check and release the app.

Once you are done, previous bundles are no longer provided, and existing testers should be able to update.

Hope this works for you.

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oezpeda Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 18:09
