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Trim values of String fields of a case class

I am writing a generic function using shapeless that takes an instance of a case class and trims all values of fields that are string. The case class can have optional fields, nested objects, lists etc.

I have a case class Person.

case class Person(name: Option[String], address: List[String], friends: List[Person])

The function that I currently have:

import shapeless._, ops.hlist._

  object trimmer extends Poly1 {
    implicit val stringOptCase = at[Option[String]](_.map(_.trim))
    implicit val stringListCase = at[List[String]](_.map(_.trim))
    implicit def skipCase[A] = at[A](identity)

  def trimStringValues[A, R <: HList](a: A)(implicit
                                     gen: Generic.Aux[A, R],
                                     mapper: Mapper.Aux[trimmer.type, R, R]
  ) = gen.from(mapper(gen.to(a)))

When I use the above function, it only works for the root level name field of class Person. It doesn't work for list or object field.

val person = Person(name = Some(" john "), address = List(" ny"," vegas "), friends = List(Person(Some(" alicia"), List(" peter"), Nil)))

trimStringValues(person) // Person(Some(john),List(ny, vegas),List(Person(Some( alicia),List( peter),List())))

How can I solve this ?

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oblivion Avatar asked Feb 08 '19 09:02


1 Answers

First, it does seem to be working on address as well as name in your commented output, which is to be expected. It's not working on friends because List[Person] matches the skipCase case—it's neither an Option[String] or a List[String].

The easiest way to fix this is to use Shapeless's everywhere combinator. Given your code above, you can write the following:

scala> shapeless.everywhere(trimmer)(person)
res1: Person = Person(Some(john),List(ny, vegas),List(Person(Some(alicia),List(peter),List())))

In fact you can accomplish the same thing with an even simpler trimmer implementation:

object trimStrings extends Poly1 {
  implicit val stringCase: Case.Aux[String, String] = at[String](_.trim)

Or equivalently but even more concisely:

import shapeless.poly.->

object trimStrings extends (String -> String)(_.trim)

And then:

scala> shapeless.everywhere(trimStrings)(person)
res5: Person = Person(Some(john),List(ny, vegas),List(Person(Some(alicia),List(peter),List())))

If you wanted more control over exactly which strings are trimmed, you could return to your original implementation and either add an explicit List[Person] case, or a more generic case that would match types like this and apply trimmer recursively. Since you say you want to trim all strings, though, everywhere sounds like it's what you want.

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Travis Brown Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09

Travis Brown