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'Triggers can not be created on system tables' error when restoring MySQL database



I had a large database up on AWS for a few months, but took it down because it was starting to get expensive.

Now, I have a single 32GB file on my hard drive, that I exported before I shut down the MySQL database running on the instance.

I'd like to import the 4 million rows or so into my local MySQL on my laptop.

Using MySQL Workbench, I attempted to do just that. But first, I recreated the exact same schema locally (just 3 tables). Then, using the Data Import option, I selected "Import from Self-Contained File", and pointed to my file. I let it rip -- only to receive this disheartening message in response:

01:56:30 PM Restoring /home/monica/dumps/Dump20160406.sql
Running: mysql --defaults-file="/tmp/tmpMJpTQj/extraparams.cnf"  --protocol=tcp --host= --user=root --port=3306 --default-character-set=utf8 --comments --database=my_db  < "/home/monica/dumps/Dump20160406.sql"
ERROR 1465 (HY000) at line 488: Triggers can not be created on system tables  
Operation failed with exitcode 1

It looks like there is some issue with triggers? First I'm a bit confused since my database never had any triggers to begin with.

To troubleshoot, I found this SO question, and I tried the advice -- I edited the my.conf file but it didn't make any difference.

Other searching caused me to come up blank. There's really nothing out there about this error that I can find.

If anyone has any advice, that would be great. Thanks.


I used some advice in the comments from @Solarflare and used this statement:

mysql -u root -p for_import -o < /home/monica/dumps/Dump20160406.sql

Actually, I discovered a cool utility called Pipe Viewer which provided a progress bar -- visual proof (I hope) that something was actually happening. So I rewrite the line to this:

pv /home/monica/dumps/Dump20160406.sql | mysql -u root -p -o for_import

Sure enough, it looks like things were working and after 5 or so minutes, the import was completed:

34.1GB 0:08:19 [69.9MB/s] [==================================>] 100%

Nice! HOWEVER: when I show databases and then use for_import then show tables, I get:

Empty set (0.00 sec) My heart is broken. :(

like image 626
Monica Heddneck Avatar asked May 12 '16 21:05

Monica Heddneck

1 Answers

You can use the parameter -o or --one-database to skip everything that isn't meant for the default database you want to import:

mysql -u root -p -D mydb -o < /home/monica/dumps/Dump20160406.sql

will import the database mydb from your file and skip all others, especially the system-databases that are causing your troubles. The name mydb has to be the same in your file and in your database.

like image 100
Solarflare Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09
