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How do I enter an "empty" POINT() geometry value into a MySQL field of type POINT?

I have a table with a POINT geometry field. I enter latitude/longitude points into it like this:

INSERT INTO table( point )
VALUES( POINT( lon_value, lat_value );

Sometimes I do not have lat/lon values to enter. I am unable to enter a blank, a NULL, or an empty POINT() ... since POINT(0,0) is actually a location on the globe, that won't work either.

What is the solution here?

like image 975
T. Brian Jones Avatar asked Jun 12 '15 22:06

T. Brian Jones

2 Answers

I would use coordinates of North Pole

INSERT INTO table( point )
VALUES( POINT(0.0000,90.0000);

If the actual coordinates of the pole may be an issue i would change the lon value from 0.0000.

like image 50
david strachan Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 02:11

david strachan

Only GeometryCollection supports EMPTY: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/gis-data-formats.html

INSERT INTO table( point )
like image 34
xiangyuecn Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 00:11
