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Triggering jquery event when an element appears on screen



I want to show a fade effect as soon as the element appears on screen. There is a lot of content before this element so if I trigger the efect on document.ready, at certain resolutions the vistors wont´t see it.

Is it possible to trigger an event when, after scrolling down, the element becomes visible? I am almost sure I have seen this effect before, but have no idea how to achieve it.

Thank you!

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agente_secreto Avatar asked Jun 15 '10 14:06


1 Answers

jQuery Waypoints plugin could be useful. It provides a way to trigger an action when an element becomes visible on the screen.

For instance:

$('.entry').waypoint(function() {    alert('The element has appeared on the screen.'); }); 

There are some examples on the site of the plugin.

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Fedir RYKHTIK Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09