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How to select options in Multiple select list with jQuery?

I have two dropdowns. When a user selects a value from the first one I want in the second (which has the multiple select option), with jQuery, to select some values automatically. How can I do that?

First select box: <select id="update_carte_s" name="update_carte_s">      <option value="5!**8,9**!6!44.9">Ghid complet Internet</option>      <option value="6!**6,7**!6!24.95">PC pas cu pas</option>      <option value="7!**10**!3!27.95">Jocul ingerului</option>      <option value="8!**11,12**!8!39">Ghidul vinurilor</option> </select> Second select box: <select id="uc_autori_s" name="uc_autorilist[]" size="5" multiple>      <option value="3">Rose Tremain</option>      <option value="4">Jonathan Coe</option>                 <option value="5">Cecilia Ahern</option>      <option value="6">Marinel Serban</option>      <option value="7">Emanuela Cherchez</option>      <option value="8">Peter Buckley</option>      <option value="9">Clark Duncan</option>      <option value="10">Carlos-Ruiz Zafon</option>      <option value="11">Catalin Paduraru</option>      <option value="12">Dan-Silviu Boerescu</option> </select> 

The bolded values from the first select box split by , are the values that I want to select from the second select box. For example 11,12 would mean in the second box options with values 11 and 12 to be selected.

Currently I have something like this:

$.bookAuthors = $.bookDetailsArray[1].split(','); $.each($.bookAuthors, function( intIndex, objValue ){       $("#uc_autori_s").val(objValue).attr("selected","selected"); }); 

but the problem is that only the last value is selected in my case 12 (selection of 11 is lost).

like image 804
Sorin Antohi Avatar asked Jan 12 '10 14:01

Sorin Antohi

1 Answers

You can pass a select with multiple values an array

$("#uc_autori_s").val( $.bookAuthors ); 
like image 105
SurferJoe Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09
