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Tricky model inheritance - Django

I think this is a bit tricky, at least for me. :)

So I have 4 models Person, Singer, Bassist and Ninja.

Singer, Bassist and Ninja inherit from Person.

The problem is that each Person can be any of its subclasses.

e.g. A person can be a Singer and a Ninja. Another Person can be a Bassist and a Ninja. Another one can be all three.

How should I organise my models?

Help would be much appreciated!

like image 676
RadiantHex Avatar asked Mar 22 '10 02:03


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1 Answers

Multiple inheritance doesn't work well with databases (and your Django models do need to map down to a database in the end), and inheritance is often a bad way to model "roles" (because people's roles do change). I would have Singer, Bassist and Ninja as "roles", not as subclasses of Person, and connect them via foreign keys:

class Singer(models.Model):
    person = models.ForeignKey('Person')
    # ...

class Person(models.Model):
    # ...
like image 84
Alex Martelli Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 03:09

Alex Martelli