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Travis fails finding my .travis.yml



I got a warning log like this and my builds have been failed.

WARNING: We were unable to find a .travis.yml file. This may not be what you
want. Build will be run with default settings.

But there have existed .travis.yml in my repo. This issue seems to be caused after I changed my repo name on Github. (Before changes it, Travis could detect my .travis.yml)

My environment is there: https://travis-ci.org/PizzaFactory/mRDT

How to fix this issue?

like image 494
Masaki Muranaka Avatar asked Nov 23 '14 07:11

Masaki Muranaka

1 Answers

It was happening probably because you renamed the repo on GitHub.

What I did in order to fix the problem is to go in Travis Accounts section, press the Sync button and then push another commit to the repo.

like image 99
Nicu Surdu Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 10:11

Nicu Surdu