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Travis conditional on branch after_success



In my travis script I have the following:

- ember build --environment=production
- ember build --environment=staging --output-path=dist-staging

After both of these build, I conditionally deploy to S3 the one that is appropriate, based on the current git branch.

It works, but it would save time if I only built the one I actually need. What is the easiest way to build based on the branch?

like image 360
Eric Wilson Avatar asked Jan 04 '16 12:01

Eric Wilson

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1 Answers

use the test command as used here.

  - test $TRAVIS_BRANCH = "master" &&
    ember build

All travis env variables are available here.

like image 190
Louay Alakkad Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 19:10

Louay Alakkad