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Transform XML with XSLT in PHP





I'm trying to combine two xml-files and with a XSLT-file transform them into a XHTML-page. I have not done this before and can´t figure out how to do it. This is what I have so far, with just one xml-file:


$xsl = new DOMDocument();
$inputdom = new DomDocument();

$proc = new XSLTProcessor();
$xsl = $proc->importStylesheet($xsl);
$proc->setParameter(null, "", "");

$newdom = $proc->transformToDoc($inputdom);
print $newdom-> saveXML();

xsl-file with the :ss namespace. I'm not really sure how to use the ss prefix?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

<xsl:template match="/">

  <table border="1">
    <tr bgcolor="#9acd32">
    <xsl:for-each select="something/some">
      <td><xsl:value-of select="title"/></td>
      <td><xsl:value-of select="title2"/></td>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="file.xsl"?>

If somebody could give me a kick in the right direction I would be grateful.

Here is the second xml-file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Workbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"
 <DocumentProperties xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">
 <OfficeDocumentSettings xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">
 <ExcelWorkbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">
  <Style ss:ID="Default" ss:Name="Normal">
   <Alignment ss:Vertical="Bottom"/>
   <Font ss:FontName="Calibri" x:Family="Swiss" ss:Size="12" ss:Color="#000000"/>
  <Style ss:ID="s62">
   <Font ss:FontName="Courier" ss:Color="#000000"/>
 <Worksheet ss:Name="Workbook1.csv">
  <Table ss:ExpandedColumnCount="5" ss:ExpandedRowCount="79" x:FullColumns="1"
   x:FullRows="1" ss:DefaultColumnWidth="65" ss:DefaultRowHeight="15">
   <Column ss:Index="2" ss:AutoFitWidth="0" ss:Width="43"/>
   <Column ss:AutoFitWidth="0" ss:Width="113"/>
   <Column ss:Index="5" ss:AutoFitWidth="0" ss:Width="220"/>
   <Row ss:Index="6">
    <Cell ss:Index="3" ss:StyleID="s62"/>
    <Cell ss:Index="3" ss:StyleID="s62"/>
    <Cell ss:Index="3" ss:StyleID="s62"/>
    <Cell ss:Index="2"><Data ss:Type="String">id</Data></Cell>
    <Cell ss:StyleID="s62"><Data ss:Type="String">latitude</Data></Cell>
    <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">longitude</Data></Cell>
    <Cell ss:Index="2"><Data ss:Type="Number">8</Data></Cell>
    <Cell ss:StyleID="s62"><Data ss:Type="Number">57.4999</Data></Cell>
    <Cell><Data ss:Type="Number">15.8280</Data></Cell>

So my question is how to combine data from both XML-files with the XSLT? I want the result to be the data in a table on a XHTML-page.

like image 323
ana Avatar asked Dec 06 '12 11:12


People also ask

How convert XML to XSLT?

Execute an XSLT transformation from an XML fileOpen an XML document in the XML editor. Associate an XSLT style sheet with the XML document. Add an xml-stylesheet processing instruction to the XML document. For example, add the following line to the document prolog: <?

What is XSL PHP?

PHP extension XSL help websites to generate HTML pages from XML data. Thus it is quite inevitable in major website building platforms. However, to enable this extension we install it and add it in the PHP configuration on the server.

How can XSLT transform XML into HTML explain with example?

The standard way to transform XML data into other formats is by Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT). You can use the built-in XSLTRANSFORM function to convert XML documents into HTML, plain text, or different XML schemas. XSLT uses stylesheets to convert XML into other data formats.

Does anyone use XSLT anymore?

XSLT is very widely used. As far as we can judge from metrics like the number of StackOverflow questions, it is in the top 30 programming languages, which probably makes it the top data-model-specific programming language after SQL. But XSLT isn't widely used client-side, that is, in the browser.

1 Answers

This might be an answer to part of your question.

With regard to using two XML files, you have a couple of options. You could combine the two XML files into one larger one, then apply a transform to that. Alternatively, you could use the XSLT document() function to load one of the XML files from within an XSLT.

1. Make one large XML document


// XML
$x1 = file_get_contents("file1.xml");
$x2 = file_get_contents("file2.xml");
$xml_doc = new DOMDocument();

// XSL
$xsl_doc = new DOMDocument();

// Proc
$proc = new XSLTProcessor();
$newdom = $proc->transformToDoc($xml_doc);

print $newdom->saveXML();


2. Use the XSTL document() function


// XML
$xml_doc = new DOMDocument();

// XSL
$xsl_doc = new DOMDocument();

// Proc
$proc = new XSLTProcessor();
$newdom = $proc->transformToDoc($xml_doc);

print $newdom->saveXML();


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

  <xsl:variable name="file2" select="document('file2.xml')/*"/>

  <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:copy-of select="$file2"/>


I tend to use the first technique more than the second. I don't like hardcoding filenames into XSLT templates. When I do use the second method, I would usually pass in the filename as an external parameter to avoid having it hardcoded in the XSLT.

like image 190
Nigel Alderton Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10

Nigel Alderton