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Transfer of control bypasses initialization of:?



I'm just going over classes but I get this error which stops me blank. I've looked through other threads but no clue what's wrong with my code? I've commented the code which is the issue.

class myClass { //Class which might cause an issue? Don't see whats wrong    with it.
myClass(string nm) {
void setName(string x) {
    name = x;
string getName() {
    return name;

    string name;

int main() {
cout << "Task 1, Task 2, Task 3, Task 4 ?" << endl;
int answer;
cin >> answer;
switch (answer)
case 1://Practising Classes
    CRectangle area;
    cout << "Enter two numbers \n";
    cin >> area.x;
    cin >> area.y;
    cout << "Area is: "<< area.findArea() << endl;
case 2://Practising Classes
    AddNumbers myObj1;
    cout  << myObj1.addNumbers() << endl;
case 3: //Practising Classes
    birthdays b1;
    cout << "Welcome to Birthdays! \n";
    bool bool1 = false;
    do {
    cout << "Do you want to enter some data (1) or retrieve some? \n";
    int answer;
    cin >> answer;
    switch (answer)
    case 1:
    case 2:
    } while (bool1 == false);
case 4: // This causes the error. // Testing out Constructors
    myClass object("David");
    myClass object2("Amy");
    cout << object.getName();
like image 446
IVIaximumPower Avatar asked Feb 17 '17 11:02


1 Answers

Those case "statements" are actually labels, like goto. They do not begin a new scope. When a condition is found, execution "jumps" to the relevant case label and continues from there.

The language's rules insist that you cannot "jump" over initialisations, as allowing this in a consistent and predictable way would require more complex standard wording.

Put your cases in a scope of their own to "insulate" the declarations and prevent them from "leaking" into the next case, which is what the compiler is concerned about.

For example:

case 1: { //Practising Classes
   CRectangle area;
   cout << "Enter two numbers \n";
   cin >> area.x;
   cin >> area.y;
   cout << "Area is: "<< area.findArea() << endl;

I've added the { and the }. These are not part of the syntax of switch/case, but just standalone scope blocks, much like the inner ones here:

int main()
   int x = 42;
      int x = 999;  // a different x!
like image 166
Lightness Races in Orbit Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10

Lightness Races in Orbit