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Finding the lowest missing integer in a vector containing positive and negative int's?




I'm writing an operation to find the lowest missing element of a vector, V = 1..N + 1. This has to be performed in O(N) time complexity.

Solution One:

std::vector<int> A {3,4,1,4,6,7};

int main()
    int max_el = *std::max_element(A.begin(), A.end()); //Find max element
    std::vector<int> V(max_el);
    std::iota(V.begin(), V.end(), 1) //Populate V with all int's up to max element

    for(unsigned into i {0}; i < A.size(); i++)
       int index = A[i] - 1;
       if(A[i] == V[index]) //Search V in O(1)
         V[index] = max_el; //Set each to max_el, leaving the missing int 
    return *std::min_element(V.begin(), V.end()); //Find missing int as its the lowest (hasn't been set to max_el)

//Output: 2

This works completely fine.

However, I'm now trying to get this to work with vector containing negative int's.

Solution Two:

My logic is to take the same approach, however 'weight' the indexes given the size of the vector and the number of negative int's in the vector:

std::vector<int> A {-1, -4, -2, 0, 3, 2, 1}
int main()
   int max_el = *std::max_element(A.begin(), A.end());
   int min_el = *std::min_element(A.begin(), A.end());
   int min_el_abs = abs(min_el); //Convert min element to absolute
   int total = min_el_abs + max_el;

   std::vector<int> V(total + 1);
   std::iota(V.begin(), V.end(), min_el);
   int index;

   //Find amount of negative int's
   int first_pos;
   for(unsigned int i {0}; i < A.size(); i++)
      if(A[i] >= 0) {first_pos = i; break;}

   for(unsigned int i {0}; i < A.size(); i++)
      if(A[i] <= 0) //If negative
          index = (A.size() - first_pos) - abs(A[i]);
       } else 
          index = (A[i] + 1) + first_pos;
       if(A[i] == V[index])
          V[index] = 0;
    return *std::min_element(V.begin(), V.end());

 //Output: -3

Solution Two fails to compare the values of the two vectors (A and V), as calculating the index with the above methods with a positive int doesn't work.

1) How can I get my Solution 2 to work with unordered vector's of negative int's?

2) How can I edit my Solution 2 to work with vectors of positive as well as vectors with negative int's?

like image 882
Babra Cunningham Avatar asked Jan 11 '17 14:01

Babra Cunningham

People also ask

How do you find the smallest missing positive integer in an array?

Since the total number of elements in the array is N thus, the smallest positive integer missing from the array will lie in the [1, N+1] range. The brute force approach uses a nested loop to traverse the array and search for all the numbers one by one, from 1 to N+1, to find the missing integer.

How do you find the smallest missing number?

For i = 0 to m-1, do binary search for i in the array. If i is not present in the array then return i. If arr[0] is not 0, return 0. Otherwise traverse the input array starting from index 0, and for each pair of elements a[i] and a[i+1], find the difference between them.

How do you find the smallest element in a vector?

To find a smallest or minimum element of a vector, we can use *min_element() function which is defined in <algorithm> header. It accepts a range of iterators from which we have to find the minimum / smallest element and returns the iterator pointing the minimum element between the given range.

How do you find the smallest missing element in an array?

If all elements in the array are at their right position, then the smallest missing number is equal to the array size; For instance, 6 in the case of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] . A naive solution would be to run a linear search on the array and return the first index, which doesn't match its value.

2 Answers

Your first solution seems O(max(N,M)), where I consider N the number of elements in vector A and M the size of vector V (or max(Ai)), but you are looping through both vectors multiple times (with std::min_element, std::max_element, the for loop, the allocation of V and std::iota too).

Besides, once corrected a couple of typos (a missing ; and an into instead of int), your program returns the value found... from main(), which is a bit odd.

Your first algorithm always searches for the lowest missing value in the range [1, max value in A], but it can be generalized to find the lowest missing element in the range [min(Ai), max(Ai)], even for negative numbers.

My approach is similar to that of L.Senioins, but I've used different library functions trying to minimize the number of loops.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>

template <class ForwardIt>
typename std::iterator_traits<ForwardIt>::value_type
lowest_missing(ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last)
    if ( first == last )
        throw std::string {"The range is empty"};
    // find both min and max element with one function
    auto result = std::minmax_element(first, last);

    // range is always > 0  
    auto range = *result.second - *result.first + 1;
    if ( range < 2 )
        throw std::string {"Min equals max, so there are no missing elements"};
    std::vector<bool> vb(range); // the initial value of all elements is false

    for (auto i = first; i != last; ++i)
        vb[*i - *result.first] = true;

    // search the first false
    auto pos = std::find(vb.cbegin(), vb.cend(), false);
    if ( pos == vb.cend() )  // all the elements are true
        throw std::string {"There are no missing elements"};

    return std::distance(vb.cbegin(), pos) + *result.first;

template <class ForwardIt>
void show_the_first_missing_element(ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last)
        std::cout << lowest_missing(first, last) << '\n';
    catch(const std::string &msg)
        std::cout << msg << '\n';

int main() {
    std::vector<int> a { 1, 8, 9, 6, 2, 5, 3, 0 };
    show_the_first_missing_element(a.cbegin(), a.cend());

    std::vector<int> b { -1, -4, 8, 1, -3, -2, 10, 0 };
    show_the_first_missing_element(b.cbegin(), b.cend());
    show_the_first_missing_element(b.cbegin() + b.size() / 2, b.cend());

    std::vector<int> c { -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 };
    show_the_first_missing_element(c.cbegin(), c.cend());

    std::vector<int> d { 3, 3, 3 };
    show_the_first_missing_element(d.cbegin(), d.cend());

    std::vector<int> e;
    show_the_first_missing_element(e.cbegin(), e.cend());

    return 0;

The results outputted for my test cases are:

There are no missing elements
Min equals max, so there are no missing elements
The range is empty
like image 195
Bob__ Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 10:09


My solution is to make a bool vector (or char vector just to avoid compilation warnings about casting to bool) which has the size of all possible elements. All elements are initialized to 0 and later are assigned to 1 which indicates that the element is not missing. All you need to do then is to find an index of the first 0 element which is the lowest missing element.

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>

std::vector<int> A{ -1, 0, 11, 1, 10, -5 };

int main() {
    if (A.size() > 1) {
        int max_el = *std::max_element(A.begin(), A.end());
        int min_el = *std::min_element(A.begin(), A.end());
        int range = abs(max_el - min_el) + 1;

        std::vector<int> V(range, 0);

        for (size_t i = 0; i < A.size(); i++)
            V[A[i] - min_el] = 1;

        if (*std::min_element(V.begin(), V.end()) == 0)
            std::cout << std::distance(V.begin(), std::find(V.begin(), V.end(), 0)) + min_el;
            std::cout << "There are no missing elements" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "There are no missing elements" << std::endl;

like image 34
FrogTheFrog Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 10:09
