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Tracking Page views with the help of Flurry SDK?





I have integrated mobile analytics in my iPhone app with the help of the Flurry analytics but I am not able to track page views.

I have used the following code in my Application Delegate and passed an instance of UINavigationController in the place of navigationController
[FlurryAPI logAllPageViews:navigationController];

But while checking the Page views in the Flurry website it is showing the message like this:

You are not currently tracking Page View data.

Is there something that I have to enable in the flurry website itself?

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Shashank Avatar asked Mar 23 '11 11:03


2 Answers

Good that you now see your data.

On the page count: Flurry Analytics SDK just counts the number of page views. If you want to see what pages in your app the user visits, i suggest creating events for each of your screens. The user paths report in the events section of your dashboard will then give you a clear path of how your users move around in your app.

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Punit Raizada Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 17:10

Punit Raizada

"logAllPageViews" method increments the page view count for a session based on traversing a UINavigationController or UITabBarController. If you want to track screens with screen name then just use logEvent method of FlurryAnalytics class like

[FlurryAnalytics logEvent:@"screen name"];

source (check for logAllPageVeiws and logPageView): http://support.flurry.com/sdkdocs/iOS/interface_flurry_analytics.html#adb7d3bd888a40343269c53f65acf7720

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veteranHero Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 16:10
