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Tracking down a memory leak / garbage-collection issue in Java

This is a problem I have been trying to track down for a couple months now. I have a java app running that processes xml feeds and stores the result in a database. There have been intermittent resource problems that are very difficult to track down.

Background: On the production box (where the problem is most noticeable), i do not have particularly good access to the box, and have been unable to get Jprofiler running. That box is a 64bit quad-core, 8gb machine running centos 5.2, tomcat6, and java It starts with these java-opts

JAVA_OPTS="-server -Xmx5g -Xms4g -Xss256k -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:+PrintGCDetails - XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution -XX:+UseParNewGC" 

The technology stack is the following:

  • Centos 64-bit 5.2
  • Java 6u11
  • Tomcat 6
  • Spring/WebMVC 2.5
  • Hibernate 3
  • Quartz 1.6.1
  • DBCP 1.2.1
  • Mysql 5.0.45
  • Ehcache 1.5.0
  • (and of course a host of other dependencies, notably the jakarta-commons libraries)

The closest I can get to reproducing the problem is a 32-bit machine with lower memory requirements. That I do have control over. I have probed it to death with JProfiler and fixed many performance problems (synchronization issues, precompiling/caching xpath queries, reducing the threadpool, and removing unnecessary hibernate pre-fetching, and overzealous "cache-warming" during processing).

In each case, the profiler showed these as taking up huge amounts of resources for one reason or another, and that these were no longer primary resource hogs once the changes went in.

The Problem: The JVM seems to completely ignore the memory usage settings, fills all memory and becomes unresponsive. This is an issue for the customer facing end, who expects a regular poll (5 minute basis and 1-minute retry), as well for our operations teams, who are constantly notified that a box has become unresponsive and have to restart it. There is nothing else significant running on this box.

The problem appears to be garbage collection. We are using the ConcurrentMarkSweep (as noted above) collector because the original STW collector was causing JDBC timeouts and became increasingly slow. The logs show that as the memory usage increases, that is begins to throw cms failures, and kicks back to the original stop-the-world collector, which then seems to not properly collect.

However, running with jprofiler, the "Run GC" button seems to clean up the memory nicely rather than showing an increasing footprint, but since I can not connect jprofiler directly to the production box, and resolving proven hotspots doesnt seem to be working I am left with the voodoo of tuning Garbage Collection blind.

What I have tried:

  • Profiling and fixing hotspots.
  • Using STW, Parallel and CMS garbage collectors.
  • Running with min/max heap sizes at 1/2,2/4,4/5,6/6 increments.
  • Running with permgen space in 256M increments up to 1Gb.
  • Many combinations of the above.
  • I have also consulted the JVM [tuning reference](http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/hotspot/gc/gc_tuning_6.html) , but can't really find anything explaining this behavior or any examples of _which_ tuning parameters to use in a situation like this.
  • I have also (unsuccessfully) tried jprofiler in offline mode, connecting with jconsole, visualvm, but I can't seem to find anything that will interperet my gc log data.

Unfortunately, the problem also pops up sporadically, it seems to be unpredictable, it can run for days or even a week without having any problems, or it can fail 40 times in a day, and the only thing I can seem to catch consistently is that garbage collection is acting up.

Can anyone give any advice as to:
a) Why a JVM is using 8 physical gigs and 2 gb of swap space when it is configured to max out at less than 6.
b) A reference to GC tuning that actually explains or gives reasonable examples of when and what kind of setting to use the advanced collections with.
c) A reference to the most common java memory leaks (i understand unclaimed references, but I mean at the library/framework level, or something more inherenet in data structures, like hashmaps).

Thanks for any and all insight you can provide.

Emil H:
1) Yes, my development cluster is a mirror of production data, down to the media server. The primary difference is the 32/64bit and the amount of RAM available, which I can't replicate very easily, but the code and queries and settings are identical.

2) There is some legacy code that relies on JaxB, but in reordering the jobs to try to avoid scheduling conflicts, I have that execution generally eliminated since it runs once a day. The primary parser uses XPath queries which call down to the java.xml.xpath package. This was the source of a few hotspots, for one the queries were not being pre-compiled, and two the references to them were in hardcoded strings. I created a threadsafe cache (hashmap) and factored the references to the xpath queries to be final static Strings, which lowered resource consumption significantly. The querying still is a large part of the processing, but it should be because that is the main responsibility of the application.

3) An additional note, the other primary consumer is image operations from JAI (reprocessing images from a feed). I am unfamiliar with java's graphic libraries, but from what I have found they are not particularly leaky.

(thanks for the answers so far, folks!)

I was able to connect to the production instance with VisualVM, but it had disabled the GC visualization / run-GC option (though i could view it locally). The interesting thing: The heap allocation of the VM is obeying the JAVA_OPTS, and the actual allocated heap is sitting comfortably at 1-1.5 gigs, and doesnt seem to be leaking, but the box level monitoring still shows a leak pattern, but it is not reflected in the VM monitoring. There is nothing else running on this box, so I am stumped.

like image 997
liam Avatar asked Jul 01 '09 22:07


People also ask

How does a Java memory leak affect garbage collection?

In general, a Java memory leak happens when an application unintentionally (due to logical errors in code) holds on to object references that are no longer required. These unintentional object references prevent the built-in Java garbage collection mechanism from freeing up the memory consumed by these objects.

Does garbage collection prevent memory leaks?

Although garbage collection prevents many types of memory leaks, it doesn't prevent all of them. In automatic reference counting systems, such as Perl or Objective-C, memory is leaked whenever there are cyclical references, since the reference count is never decremented to zero.

Can Java expose a memory leak?

Yes, Memory Leak in java is bad because it blocks the memory resources with objects that are not useful but still referenced.

1 Answers

Well, I finally found the issue that was causing this, and I'm posting a detail answer in case someone else has these issues.

I tried jmap while the process was acting up, but this usually caused the jvm to hang further, and I would have to run it with --force. This resulted in heap dumps that seemed to be missing a lot of data, or at least missing the references between them. For analysis, I tried jhat, which presents a lot of data but not much in the way of how to interpret it. Secondly, I tried the eclipse-based memory analysis tool ( http://www.eclipse.org/mat/ ), which showed that the heap was mostly classes related to tomcat.

The issue was that jmap was not reporting the actual state of the application, and was only catching the classes on shutdown, which was mostly tomcat classes.

I tried a few more times, and noticed that there were some very high counts of model objects (actually 2-3x more than were marked public in the database).

Using this I analyzed the slow query logs, and a few unrelated performance problems. I tried extra-lazy loading ( http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/core/3.3/reference/en/html/performance.html ), as well as replacing a few hibernate operations with direct jdbc queries (mostly where it was dealing with loading and operating on large collections -- the jdbc replacements just worked directly on the join tables), and replaced some other inefficient queries that mysql was logging.

These steps improved pieces of the frontend performance, but still did not address the issue of the leak, the app was still unstable and acting unpredictably.

Finally, I found the option: -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError . This finally produced a very large (~6.5GB) hprof file that accurately showed the state of the application. Ironically, the file was so large that jhat could not anaylze it, even on a box with 16gb of ram. Fortunately, MAT was able to produce some nice looking graphs and showed some better data.

This time what stuck out was a single quartz thread was taking up 4.5GB of the 6GB of heap, and the majority of that was a hibernate StatefulPersistenceContext ( https://www.hibernate.org/hib_docs/v3/api/org/hibernate/engine/StatefulPersistenceContext.html ). This class is used by hibernate internally as its primary cache (i had disabled the second-level and query-caches backed by EHCache).

This class is used to enable most of the features of hibernate, so it can't be directly disabled (you can work around it directly, but spring doesn't support stateless session) , and i would be very surprised if this had such a major memory leak in a mature product. So why was it leaking now?

Well, it was a combination of things: The quartz thread pool instantiates with certain things being threadLocal, spring was injecting a session factory in, that was creating a session at the start of the quartz threads lifecycle, which was then being reused to run the various quartz jobs that used the hibernate session. Hibernate then was caching in the session, which is its expected behavior.

The problem then is that the thread pool was never releasing the session, so hibernate was staying resident and maintaining the cache for the lifecycle of the session. Since this was using springs hibernate template support, there was no explicit use of the sessions (we are using a dao -> manager -> driver -> quartz-job hierarchy, the dao is injected with hibernate configs through spring, so the operations are done directly on the templates).

So the session was never being closed, hibernate was maintaining references to the cache objects, so they were never being garbage collected, so each time a new job ran it would just keep filling up the cache local to the thread, so there was not even any sharing between the different jobs. Also since this is a write-intensive job (very little reading), the cache was mostly wasted, so the objects kept getting created.

The solution: create a dao method that explicitly calls session.flush() and session.clear(), and invoke that method at the beginning of each job.

The app has been running for a few days now with no monitoring issues, memory errors or restarts.

Thanks for everyone's help on this, it was a pretty tricky bug to track down, as everything was doing exactly what it was supposed to, but in the end a 3 line method managed to fix all the problems.

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liam Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 22:10
