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Java - Check Not Null/Empty else assign default value

I am trying to simplify the following code.

The basic steps that the code should carry out are as follows:

  1. Assign String a default value
  2. Run a method
  3. If the method returns a null/empty string leave the String as default
  4. If the method returns a valid string set the String to this result

A Simple example would be:

    String temp = System.getProperty("XYZ");     String result = "default";     if(temp != null && !temp.isEmpty()){         result = temp;     } 

I have made another attemp using a ternary operator:

    String temp;     String result = isNotNullOrEmpty(temp = System.getProperty("XYZ")) ? temp : "default"; 

The isNotNullOrEmpty() Method

 private static boolean isNotNullOrEmpty(String str){     return (str != null && !str.isEmpty()); } 

Is it possible to do all of this in-line? I know I could do something like this:

String result = isNotNullOrEmpty(System.getProperty("XYZ")) ? System.getProperty("XYZ") : "default"; 

But I am calling the same method twice. I would be something like to do something like this (which doesn't work):

String result = isNotNullOrEmpty(String temp = System.getProperty("XYZ")) ? temp : "default"; 

I would like to initialize the 'temp' String within the same line. Is this possible? Or what should I be doing?

Thank you for your suggestions.


like image 903
Cam1989 Avatar asked Jul 14 '15 16:07


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1 Answers

Use Java 8 Optional (no filter needed):

public static String orElse(String defaultValue) {   return Optional.ofNullable(System.getProperty("property")).orElse(defaultValue); } 
like image 83
nobeh Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 20:09
