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Track files locally, but never allow them to be pushed to the remote repository


I'm working on a project that involves the use of very sensitive data, and I've been instructed to only transmit this data online via a custom file transfer system. The project itself is under git source control and includes a sqlite file containing the sensitive data.

Up to this point, I've simply been ignoring the sqlite file via the gitignore file, which prevents it from ever being pushed to the remote repository. However, I've now reached a point in the project where we have a live version as well as a development version, and the fact that the data is not being tracked locally is making using branches very difficult.

So my question is: is there a way for me to keep track of the sqlite file locally, so I can have different data versions on different branches, but never have it pushed to the remote repository?

After reading this question, I considered having local-only development branches that use different gitignore files, but the fact that a git merge into the remotely shared branches would also merge changes to the gitignore file would quickly become cumbersome.

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Ell Neal Avatar asked Mar 04 '12 16:03

Ell Neal

People also ask

How do I not track a file in Git?

For files that aren't tracked by Git, you can use a . gitignore or exclude file. For files that are tracked by Git, you can tell Git to stop tracking them and to ignore changes.

How do you prevent a file from being displayed during every commit?

Set “–assume-unchanged” to a path to exclude to check on git commit and it will exclude your file from git commit. You will need to use the git update-index and –assume-unchanged to exclude files from git commit.

How to add file to gitignore in PyCharm?

Select the files you want to add to Git or the entire changelist and press Ctrl+Alt+A or choose Add to VCS from the context menu. You can also add files to your local Git repository from the Project tool window: select the files you want to add, and press Ctrl+Alt+A or choose Git | Add from the context menu.

1 Answers

Ok, so I actually came up with a better solution to this problem. My previous solution, which involved a second git repository, quickly became problematic due to the size of the sqlite files I was working with; git cannot handle large files. I investigated various ways to improve git's ability to handle the files (e.g. git-bigfiles, git-annex) but nothing seemed to handle my situation elegantly.

The answer: symlinks.

N.B. This solution is pretty Unix specific, but you will probably be able to rework it for non-Unix systems.

Problem #1: Ensure that the data is never sent to the remote repository.

This one was easy. Similar to my previous solution, I store the data outside of the repository.


Because the data files aren't in the repository, there's no need to worry about them being indexed by git.

Problem #2: Different branches should reference different versions of the data.

This is where symlinks come into play. A symlink is effectively a shortcut to a file, so the idea is to put a symlink to the data file inside the repository. Symlinks are indexed by git (and they're very small), so different branches can have different symlinks.

To explain this, let's take an example project, which has a currently live version (1.1) on the master branch; and a new version (1.2) on the version-1.2 branch. For simplicity's sake, this project only has one data file: Data.sqlite.

The data file is stored inside the My-Project-Data directory mentioned above, and versioned on the filesystem like so:


The data file is added to the repository by using a symlink:


On the master branch, Data-Symlink.sqlite is


and on the version-1.2 branch it is


So when development on version 1.3 begins, the following bash script will set everything up:

# Get to the root directory
cd path/to/Root-Directory
# Enter the data directory
cd My-Project-Data
# Make a directory for the new version and enter it
mkdir v1.3
cd v1.3
# Copy the new sqlite file into it
cp ~/path/to/data/file.sqlite Data.sqlite
# Move to the project directory
cd ../../My-Project
# Create a new branch
git checkout -b version-1.3
# Move to the source code directory and delete the current symlink
cd Source-Code-and-Stuff
rm Data-Symlink.sqlite
# Create a symlink to the new data file
ln -s ../../Project-Data/v1.3/Data.sqlite Data-Symlink.sqlite
# Commit the change
cd ../
git add Source-Code-and-Stuff/Data-Symlink.sqlite
git commit -m "Update the symlink"


Obviously this isn't a perfect solution. If you're working with a team, everyone on the team will need to have the same relative directories - symlinks are relative paths, so the absolute path to Root-Directory can change, but My-Project and My-Project-Data must exist within it. But my personal opinion is that the benefits outweigh this minor caveat. In the actual project I'm using this technique with I have an 800MB sqlite file for the data, and being able to switch between live and development branches and have my project automatically update the data file is priceless.

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Ell Neal Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 05:10

Ell Neal