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Detect model of iOS device using Javascript or HTML?


So I'm serving H.264 .mp4 video on my website. I'm using open source HTML5 video player http://mediaelementjs.com/. Some visitors are viewing from Safari for iPhone. The iPhone 4 supports video playback only up to 720p, so if I make my videos smaller than that, they work on the 4 and the 4S. But the 4S supports video up to 1080p. So how would I serve a larger video to the 4S and a smaller video to the 4? I tried this:

<video width="640" height="400" id="player" controls="controls" preload="auto">
    <source src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/my-big-1080p-video.mp4" type="video/mp4">
    <source src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/my-small-720p-video.mp4" type="video/mp4">

But it didn't work. The iPhone 4 isn't smart enough to try the second source. How can I make my website serve the correct video to the different devices?

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Binyamin Bauman Avatar asked Jun 06 '12 20:06

Binyamin Bauman

2 Answers

Play 720p video on iPhone 4 — 1080p video on iPhone 4S

Try this on an iPhone 4 and a 4S (jsfiddle)

<video src="http://file.brow.sr/1080p.mp4" onerror="this.src='http://file.brow.sr/720p.mp4';" controls loop width="320" height="180">


Load the 1080p video, then use Javascript's onError to fall back to 720p.

Safari will sniff the header of the 1080p file to determine if it's playable, and if it's too big to decode it will throw an error. We then catch that error to provide the 720p video.

By using this kind of feature detection, the fallback will not only work on one device (iPhone 4) but probably on a lot of different capable browsers.

Why multiple <source>'s won't work

When using multiple <source> tags with the same MIME types, the browser will load the first source that has a compatible MIME type and discard the others, even if that video is not playable. That's because source elements are expected to provide alternative video codecs (eg. ogg, webm, mp4), not alternative frame sizes / file sizes.

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Duvrai Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10


Here is how to go about it:

1) Retrieve the device model by using wurfl

<script type='text/javascript' src=“//wurfl.io/wurfl.js"></script>

You can either use HTTP or HTTPS (both are are supported) If you plan to use the device information provided by the script to make rendering decisions, then you might want to include the script in the element. Otherwise, you can load it asynchronously. Now you have access to the WURFL object within JavaScript.

Sample response looks something like:

{ complete_device_name:"Apple iPhone 5", form_factor:"Smartphone", is_mobile:true }

off course you can(and should)


to find out the rest of the properties you can use.

2) Now that you know which exactly which device model your users are on, you can switch the video players configs.

How about something like?

<video width="IPHONE5_VIDEO_WIDTH"
       id="player" controls="controls"
       <source src="IPHONE5_VIDEO_URL" type="video/mp4">

super clean and readable right? Hope that helps.

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Eddy Ferreira Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

Eddy Ferreira