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toxresult_upload permission in devpi index




I am using the Python devpi server, and when I create an index, it adds a default a setting acl_toxresult_upload=:ANONYMOUS:, but I cannot find out what it means.

When I view the index in the web interface, it shows:


    Special: ANONYMOUS 

    Users: my-user 

I googled it, but could not find any explanation of what it means. The only thing I could find was a python test that indicates it has something to do with uploading tests, but I'm not sure what that means regarding a Pypi index.

    # anonymous may upload tests
    assert with_user(permissionrequest, None).has_permission(
        'toxresult_upload', StageACL(stage, False))
like image 393
zoidberg Avatar asked Oct 16 '22 09:10


1 Answers

devpi supports running tests for an uploaded package with tox on the client side. The process is roughly the following:

  1. create the dist (e.g. python setup.py sdist). For tests to work, the distribution must include the test scripts and the tox.ini config.
  2. upload the dist to devpi, e.g.

    devpi upload --index hoefling/dev dist/mypkg-0.1.tar.gz
  3. run the tests via

    devpi test --index hoefling/dev mypkg

    This will download the dist from the specified index and start the test run as configured in tox.ini.

  4. once the tests finish, devpi-client will upload the test results to the server so they can be viewed anytime via the web UI: enter image description here When clicking on the tests link, you will land on the page showing the test run overview:

enter image description here By clicking on the links referring to the separate test runs, you can inspect the test run logs in details.

Now, acl_toxresult_upload, similar to acl_upload, is the list of users that are allowed to upload test results to that index. acl_toxresult_upload=:ANONYMOUS: means that anyone can run devpi test --index your_index yourpkg and upload the test results. If you want to restrict the access, do it the same way you restrict the package upload access:

$ devpi index your_index acl_toxresult_upload=me,admin,ci-bot

Docs: devpi test: testing an uploaded package.

like image 72
hoefling Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 20:11
