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TortoiseSVN - Ignoring files within a folder already in the repository

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How do I ignore files in svn?

Use the following command to create a list not under version control files. Then edit the file to leave just the files you want actually to ignore. Then use this one to ignore the files listed in the file: svn propset svn:ignore -F ignoring.

How do I ignore target folder in svn?

To ignore files in subversion you want to set the svn:ignore property. You can see more here http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.8/svn.advanced.props.special.ignore.html about half way down. svn propset svn:ignore target . svn propedit svn:ignore .

How do I find my svn ignore list?

Use: svn pg -R svn:ignore . See Stack Overflow question How do I view all ignored patterns set with svn:ignore recursively in an SVN repository? This shows the relative path with all files ignored by SVN in a working copy of a folder structure.

You just right click on the published/ folder, select TortoiseSVN -> Properties, click New -> Advanced with the following:

  • Property name: svn:ignore
  • Property value: *

Then it would work fine.

I've found a solution. If I set the svn:ignore property directly on the folder I want to keep (published) and set it's value to * then it does what I want. I would have liked to add this property to the project root but this works too.

prop - svn:ignore

value - *

Thanks for the suggestions.

Perhaps this can help you: in the Commit dialog there's a check box to "Show unversioned files". It's not the same as telling Tortoise/SVN to ignore them but might just do the trick. HTH

I'm guessing you tried:

svn propset svn:ignore published/*

svn propset needs the value and target seperated:

svn propset svn:ignore [value] [target]

...so try:

svn propset svn:ignore "*" published

(Don't forget the quotes.)