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TortoiseGit with openssh key not authenticating using ssh-agent

I'm setting up a git environment on Windows XP (msysGit 1.7.11, TortoiseGit 1.7.14) and trying to achieve following points :

  • ssh connection on a port different than default 22
  • ssh authentification handled by ssh-agent

So I create a ~/.ssh/config file :

Host gitbox    User gitolite    Hostname XX.XX.XX.XX    Port 154    PreferredAuthentications publickey    IdentityFile "/c/Documents and Settings/kraymer/.ssh/id_rsa" 

When using the git bash CLI, everything works as intended.

I'm struggling with TortoiseGit.
I first installed TortoiseGit with Plink and using Pageant to load ssh private key. The automatic authentication (Pageant) worked but setup was a fail as TortoiseGit don't recognize git repos url formatted as gitolite@gitbox/repo.git.

I then decided to install TortoiseGit using openssh client, so the config file can be read by the ssh client, and to mimic the git CLI setup.
I picked the ssh.exe shipped with msys git as ssh client in TortoiseGit settings.
When doing a git pull, the remote url is now resolved but the passphrase password is asked while I expect ssh-agent automatic authentication to occur.


Is it possible to make TortoiseGit work with ssh-agent ?
Or make TortoiseGit (Plink) aware of .ssh/config ?

Edit #1

Following @VonC advice I configured my $HOME variable.
When I click Show environment variables in TortoiseGit I now have :

 HOME=C:\Documents and Settings\kraymer    HOMEDRIVE=C:   HOMEPATH=\Documents and Settings\kraymer  

But git pull still require I enter passphrase.

like image 653
kraymer Avatar asked Nov 22 '12 15:11


People also ask

How do I fix my SSH key in GitHub?

In terminal enter this command with your ssh file name pbcopy < ~/. ssh/id_rsa. pub This will copy the file to your clipboard Now open you github account Go to Settings > SSH and GPG keys > New SSH key Enter title and paste the key from clipboard and save it. Voila you're done.

What is OpenSSH authentication?

An SSH key is a secure access credential used in the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol. SSH keys use key pairs based on public key infrastructure (PKI) technology, the gold standard for digital identity authentication and encryption, to provide a secure and scalable method of authentication.

1 Answers

No tweaks needed.

Just make TortoiseGit point to the same ssh client used by git itself, see the screenshot:

enter image description here

This should be C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\ssh.exe in latest version of Git as mentioned by Aleksey Kontsevich in the comments.

like image 136
Haitham Sweilem Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 03:09

Haitham Sweilem