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How to make ssh-add read passphrase from a file?




I am trying to add a key to ssh-agent and want ssh-add to read the password from the key file I'm using. How is this possible?

How do I automate this process from the shell script?

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Satish Avatar asked Oct 23 '12 15:10


People also ask

How do I add a passphrase to SSH?

Adding or replacing a passphrase for an existing key To change your passphrase, you can simply run the ssh-keygen -p command. Specify the location of your current key, and input any old or new passphrases. There is no need to regenerate keys.

Should I add a passphrase to SSH key?

Using passphrases increases the security when you are using SSH keys. Using a key without a passphrase can be risky. If someone obtains a key (from a backup tape, or a one-time vulnerability) that doesn't include a passphrase, the remote account can be compromised.

What is passphrase for SSH key example?

SSH passphrases protect your private key from being used by someone who doesn't know the passphrase. Without a passphrase, anyone who gains access to your computer has the potential to copy your private key. For example, family members, coworkers, system administrators, and hostile actors could gain access.

1 Answers

Depending on your distribution and on the version of ssh-add you may be able or not to use the -p option of ssh-add that reads the passphrase from stdin in this way:

cat passfile | ssh-add -p keyfile 

If this is not working you can use Expect, a Unix tool to make interactive applications non-interactive. You'll have to install it from your package manager.

I have written a tool for you in expect. Just copy the content in a file named ssh-add-pass and set executable permissions on it (chmod +x ssh-add-pass). You can also copy it to /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin to be accessible from the $PATH search.

#!/bin/bash  if [ $# -ne 2 ] ; then   echo "Usage: ssh-add-pass keyfile passfile"   exit 1 fi  eval $(ssh-agent) pass=$(cat $2)  expect << EOF   spawn ssh-add $1   expect "Enter passphrase"   send "$pass\r"   expect eof EOF 

The usage is simply: ssh-add-pass keyfile passfile

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enrico.bacis Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 08:10
