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Toolkit Options for 2D Python Game Programming [closed]

What are some toolkits for developing 2D games in Python? An option that I have heard of is Pygame, but is there anything that has more range to do more things? What are the good and bad parts about the modules?

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David Locke Avatar asked Aug 29 '08 16:08

David Locke

People also ask

Can you make a 2D game in Python?

Fortunately, the Python arcade library makes creating a 2D game in Python accessible for many programmers! If you haven't already heard about it, the arcade library is a modern Python framework for crafting games with compelling graphics and sound.

Is there any game engine that uses Python?

Pygame. When people think of Python game engines, the first thought many have is Pygame. In fact, there's already a great primer on Pygame available at Real Python. Written as a replacement for the stalled PySDL library, Pygame wraps and extends the SDL library, which stands for Simple DirectMedia Layer.

1 Answers

I use pygame myself and it is very good. It has good documentation and tutorials, and is quite well designed. I've also heard wonderful reviews of pyglet.

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dwestbrook Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 10:10
