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Too much memory consumption when generating magic squares in erlang - Need help for optimization

for university I have to implement an algorithm which creates all possibile magic squares for a given edge length and a specific sum. For n=3 the algorithm is working as expected. But when generating all magic squares for n=4 after a while I ran out of memory. This problem was already mentioned in the task description. I already tried to optimize the a code but it is still not working as it should. So I hope someone can give me some advice.

My basic idea is: First I generate all possible rows which I can use with the given numbers and then I'm trying to combine these in a way that the restrictions of a magic square are fullfilled. This happens via backtracking. I think the problem is the function makeRows which consumes too much memory after while for storing all the rows.

If you need some more explanation of the code I can give!

magicSquare(N, Value) ->
    Squares = buildSquare(N, makeRows(N, N*N, Value, N)),
    io:fwrite("Squares ready"), io:fwrite("~n"),
    Result = lists:filter(fun(X) -> testsquare(X, N, Value) end, Squares),

buildSquare(0, _) -> [[]];
buildSquare(Rows, AvailableRows) ->
    [ [X|L] || L <- buildSquare(Rows-1, AvailableRows), X <- AvailableRows, onlyUniqueNumbers(lists:flatten([X|L]))].

onlyUniqueNumbers(List) -> erlang:length(List) == sets:size(sets:from_list(List)).

%produces all possible rows with a dimension of Fields and the Numbers from 1 to Numbers and the right sum for each row
makeRows(0,_,_,_) -> [[]];
makeRows(Fields, Numbers, Value, TargetLength) ->
    [ [X|L] || X <- makeRows(Fields-1, Numbers, Value, TargetLength), L <- lists:seq(1,Numbers), checkRow([X|L], TargetLength, Value)].

checkRow(Row, Length, Value) when length(Row) < Length -> true;
checkRow(Row, Length, Value) ->
    Sum = lists:sum(Row),
    if Sum == Value -> true;
    true -> false

testsquare(Square, N, Value) -> checkAllDiagonal(Square, Value) andalso checkAllHorizontal(Square, Value) andalso checkAllVertical(Square, N, Value).

checkAllHorizontal([H|T], Value) ->
    case checkHorizontal(H, Value, 0) of
        true -> checkHorizontal(lists:nth(1, T), Value, 0);
        false -> false
checkAllHorizontal([], Value) -> true.

checkHorizontal([H|T], Value, Summe) -> checkHorizontal(T, Value, Summe + H);
checkHorizontal([], Value, Summe) when Summe == Value -> true;
checkHorizontal([], Value, Summe) -> false.

checkAllVertical(Square, N, Value) -> checkAllVertical(Square, N, Value, 1).
checkAllVertical(Square, N, Value, Column) ->
        Column > N -> true;
        true ->
            case checkVertical(Square, Value, 0, Column) of
                true -> checkAllVertical(Square, N, Value, Column + 1);
                false -> false

checkVertical([], Value, Summe, Column) when Summe == Value -> true;
checkVertical([], Value, Summe, Column) -> false;
checkVertical([H|T], Value, Summe, Column) -> checkVertical(T, Value, Summe + lists:nth(Column, H), Column).

checkAllDiagonal(Square, Value) ->
    case checkDiagonal(Square, Value, 0, 1,1) of
        true -> case checkDiagonal(Square, Value, 0, length(lists:nth(1, Square)),-1) of
                            true -> true;
                            false -> false
        false -> false

checkDiagonal([H|T], Value, Summe, Position, Richtung) -> checkDiagonal(T, Value, Summe + lists:nth(Position, H), Position + Richtung, Richtung);
checkDiagonal([], Value, Summe, Position, Richtung) when Summe == Value -> true;
checkDiagonal([], Value, Summe, Position, Richtung) -> false.

Ok I've tried to add checks for rows and squares earlier in the calculation process. Here are the modified functions.

buildSquare(0, _, _, _) -> [[]];
buildSquare(Rows, AvailableRows, RowLength, Value) ->
    [ [X|L] || L <- buildSquare(Rows-1, AvailableRows, RowLength, Value), X <- AvailableRows, validateSquare([X|L], RowLength, Value)].

checkOnlyUniqueNumbers(List) -> erlang:length(lists:flatten(List)) == sets:size(sets:from_list(lists:flatten(List))).

validateSquare(List, RowLength, Value) when length(List) == RowLength -> testsquare(List, RowLength, Value) andalso checkOnlyUniqueNumbers(List);
validateSquare(List, _,_) -> checkOnlyUniqueNumbers(List).

%produces all possible rows with a dimension of Fields and the Numbers from 1 to Numbers
makeRows(0,_,_,_) -> [[]];
makeRows(Fields, Numbers, Value, TargetLength) ->
    [ [X|L] || L <- makeRows(Fields-1, Numbers, Value, TargetLength), X <- lists:seq(1,Numbers), checkRow([X|L], TargetLength, Value)].

%Checks if the sum of the row is Value when the row has the needed length Length
checkRow(Row, Length, _) when length(Row) < Length -> checkOnlyUniqueNumbers(Row);
checkRow(Row, _, Value) ->
    Sum = lists:sum(Row),
    Sum == Value andalso checkOnlyUniqueNumbers(Row).
like image 598
soupdiver Avatar asked Dec 13 '12 09:12


1 Answers

Well, erlang isn't lazy, so

magicSquare(N, Value) ->
    Squares = buildSquare(N, makeRows(N, N*N, Value, N)),

tries to build the list of all 3121348608 possible combinations of four rows, each summing to 34, using all the numbers from 1 to 16 (inclusive) between them, when called with arguments 4 and 34.

Even if each square took only 16 bytes (one for each cell), that would need about 48GB of memory, not counting list overhead.

Your algorithm would work - albeit slowly - in a lazy language. But in a non-lazy language, you need to prune more and earlier, or choose an altogether different algorithm.

You could test whether the verticals and diagonals even have a chance to sum to the target value already in buildSquare, that might push the memory requirement low enough that it fits into memory for a 4×4 magic square (but I'm less than convinced). If you build only (N-1)×N grids and compute the last row from the vertical sums, that would reduce the size of Squares by another factor of N!, that has a better chance of fitting into memory (for N == 4, not really for larger N) together with the earlier pruning.

But you should restructure your algorithm to use the constraints as early as possible. Say you check the first row 1 2 15 16. Then you know that the three numbers below 1 in the left column, and the three remaining numbers on the main diagonal each must sum to 33. So you need a set of six numbers chosen from { 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14} summing to 66. There aren't many choices of these six numbers, since the six largest among them sum to 69 only, so you have

6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
7,  9, 11, 12, 13, 14
8,  9, 10, 12, 13, 14

only three possibilities. The two numbers in the bottom corners are also constrained by the right column, and the main north-east diagonal. Considering these constraints together further restricts the search space.

If you consider the possible squares sequentially, one top-row after the other, and don't store the candidates [you could store the magic 4×4 squares, they aren't too many], you can find all magic squares in small memory, and if you handle the constraints in a good way, even relatively quickly.

like image 87
Daniel Fischer Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 23:10

Daniel Fischer