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Tomcat/TomEE: TomEE GUI page 404 error

I recently installed "apache-tomee-webprofile-1.7.2" on to a "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (6.6).

I am able to access the Tomcat home page by accessing x.x.x.x:8080 and via this, I am able to access the "Server Status", "Manager App" and "Host Manager" pages. However, when I go to access the "TomEE GUI" page, I receive an "Error 404: description The requested resource is not available." page.

From what I can see Tomee is running as when I access the "Manage App" page, "/tomee" is there and it's running state is true.

I'm new to TomEE so there may be a step which I have missed/completed incorrectly. So any help on how I can get this working would be great.

I'm not sure what code is relevant to this issue, so please tell me what configuration would be helpful and I'll post it.

like image 886
Adam Cormack Avatar asked Jun 08 '15 20:06

Adam Cormack

People also ask

How do I fix error 404 in Tomcat?

This error indicates that the server could not find the desired resource. This resource can be any file such as JSP, HTML, or image resource. Usually, the resource is present, but it is referenced incorrectly. In most cases, you can fix this by correcting the URL.

How do I fix error 404 in Tomcat in Linux?

The URL is not handled by any Java servlets If the request URL is /view_books the server will raise HTTP 404 error. You can fix by either correcting the URL or correcting the URL mapping in the @WebServlet annotation.

1 Answers

Apparently GUI part of TomEE has been moved to a new project, TomEE WebAccess which can be downloaded separately on the download page, http://tomee.apache.org/downloads.html, and dropped into the webapps folder.

Source: (http://tomee-openejb.979440.n4.nabble.com/TomEE-GUI-doesnt-come-up-tt4673008.html#a4673466)

It's missing a fancy UI (and documentation) but does let you run Groovy or Javascript on the admin to get some interesting info.

On the list, Thiago posted this Groovy example to get the REST endpoints:

import org.apache.openejb.loader.SystemInstance 
import org.apache.openejb.server.rest.RsRegistry 
import org.apache.openejb.monitoring.LocalMBeanServer 

def mbeanServer = LocalMBeanServer.get() 
def registry = SystemInstance.get().getComponent(RsRegistry) 
registry.listeners.each { key, listener -> 
  listener.jmxNames.each { name -> 
    mbeanServer.getAttribute(name, 'operations').values().each { ops -> 
      ops.compositeType.keySet().each { 
like image 200
peater Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 08:10
