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Toggle Class to only one button in angular 4

I have two buttons I want to toggle class to the currently clicked button. The condition is user only select one button at a time and the user can also deselect both buttons. Here is my code stackblitz example. I have toggle class but now I am facing problem to deselect selected button. Please help.

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vedankita kumbhar Avatar asked Jan 03 '23 01:01

vedankita kumbhar

1 Answers


<button *ngFor="let button of buttons" class="btn rounded m-4" [ngClass]="(selectedButton == button) ? 'btn-primary' : 'btn-default'" (click)="onClickButton(button)">
 <i [class]="button.class"></i>


onClickButton(button): void {
 if (this.selectedButton === button) {
  this.selectedButton = null;
 } else {
 this.selectedButton = button;
like image 152
Malindu Sandaruwan Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 04:01

Malindu Sandaruwan