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to_json returns string instead of json in Rails

The following piece of code should return a json:

  @series = @series.map do |serie| {
    :name => serie.name,
    :id => serie.id


It's return is the following:

"[{\"name\":\"Barra\",\"id\":3},{\"name\":\"Botafogo 1\",\"id\":1},{\"name\":\"Botafogo 2\",\"id\":2},{\"name\":\"Tijuca\",\"id\":4}]"

Why is it returning a string instead of a json?

'json' gem is both installed and required at the top of my .rb file

like image 245
gabriel_vincent Avatar asked Apr 21 '13 17:04


1 Answers

I've just resolved my problem. For some reason as_json does what I want rather than to_json. I didn't quite understand why. I'll update my answer if I ever find out. That's strange, for to_json worked before I changed my development database form sqlite 3 to postgresql. But I don't think that might be the problem, because it was working nicely with Heroku's postgre database.

like image 152
gabriel_vincent Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 02:11
