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To add line break in snack bar Angular 4

I want to add multiline text message with proper line breaks that are provided by me.

  this.sampleStringErrorMsg = 'The sample is not valid:\n' +
            '- The key and key value are required in the sample.\n ' +
            '- The delimiter must be entered when the sample contains several key-value pairs.\n' +
            '- The delimiter must not be equal to the key or key value.\n';

sampleStringErrorMsg is the text I show in snackbar. Right now snackbar ommit \n from the text and aligns the the whole message as shown in the image below enter image description here

like image 204
Sarfraz Shaikh Avatar asked Mar 21 '18 10:03

Sarfraz Shaikh

3 Answers

I just added white-space: pre-wrap

// ts

const msg: string = `Registration successful. \n Please, confirm your email`;   
this._snackBar.open(msg, '', {
    duration: 8000,
    panelClass: ['success-snackbar']


.success-snackbar {
  background: #1fcd98;
  white-space: pre-wrap
like image 104
Maria Odintsova Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 00:11

Maria Odintsova

Your solution is to create a snackbar component.

Without seeing your code, I'm guessing you have roughly something like this:

this.snackBar.open(this.sampleStringErrorMsg, null, {
  verticalPosition: 'top'

As far as I'm aware, there's no way to achieve what you want by doing like the above.

  1. Create a component. I'll call it ErrorSnackBarComponent. On the html add the contents of your error message. It will look like something like this:
    <span>The sample is not valid:</span>
    <span>The key and key value are required in the sample.</span>
    <span>The delimiter must be entered when the sample contains several key-value pairs.</span>
    <span>The delimiter must not be equal to the key or key value.</span>
  1. Make sure the ErrorSnackBarComponent is referenced in the app.module.ts under:

    • declarations
    • entryComponents
  2. Use your recently created snackbar component:

this.snackBar.openFromComponent(ErrorSnackBarComponent, {
    verticalPosition: 'top'

Extra step

If you want to pass data to the ErrorSnackBarComponent, change your snackbar component's constructor to this:

constructor(@Inject(MAT_SNACK_BAR_DATA) public data: any) { }

and instead of 3., use this:

this.snackBar.openFromComponent(ErrorSnackBarComponent, {
    verticalPosition: 'top',
    data: <YOUR_DATA_HERE>

and you should be able to use data from the ErrorSnackBarComponent and display your error message alongside with any other details such as properties.

Here is the documentation for snackbar for your reference.

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AuroMetal Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 00:11


My reputation is too low to comment directly. I suggest an addition to Marias answer.

I am using Angular v7.3.7 and had to add ::ng-deep, when I placed the CSS in a components CSS file like this

::ng-deep .success-snackbar {
   background: #1fcd98;
   white-space: pre-wrap

in order for it to work. Alternatively you could add the CSS to the global styles.css file of your project.

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patate Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 00:11
