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Tmux transparent status bar


I'm not sure it this is possible but I use a graphical terminal emulator that has a translucent background so I can see the GUI windows behind it (in this case tinted a shade of blue). I want my status Line to have this as its background color.

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olleicua Avatar asked Mar 10 '14 15:03


2 Answers

I was able to find this useful example: http://jasonwryan.com/blog/2010/01/07/tmux-terminal-multiplexer/

And it used the color default.

so what I wanted was:

set status-bg default 

EDIT: this might not work in newer versions of tmux, see other answers below

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olleicua Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09


The accepted answer from olleicua (to be more specific, the comment from sammy) stopped working for me as of tmux 3.2.

I changed the line to the following and now it's working again:

set-option -g status-style bg=default 

The "3.2 questions and comments" thread on the official github page explains why this is the case:

status-fg and status-bg are now applied before status-style rather than instead of; this means that if either is set to default the status-style colour will be used. To fix, replace status-bg default with status-style bg=default.

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Alain Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09
