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Convert Python Opencv Image (numpy array) to PyQt QPixmap image


I am trying to convert python opencv image to QPixmap.

I follow the instruction shows Page Link and my code is attached below

img = cv2.imread('test.png')[:,:,::1]/255.  imgDown = cv2.pyrDown(img) imgDown = np.float32(imgDown)         cvRGBImg = cv2.cvtColor(imgDown, cv2.cv.CV_BGR2RGB) qimg = QtGui.QImage(cvRGBImg.data,cvRGBImg.shape[1], cvRGBImg.shape[0], QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888) pixmap01 = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(qimg) self.image01TopTxt = QtGui.QLabel('window',self) self.imageLable01 = QtGui.QLabel(self) self.imageLable01.setPixmap(pixmap01) 

The code has no compile and runtime error but the conversion is wrong and I just get some noise image. I am not sure what the problem is. Could anyone help?

like image 267
SimaGuanxing Avatar asked Dec 11 '15 21:12


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2 Answers

Use this to convert cvImage to Qimage, here cvImage is the original image.

height, width, channel = cvImg.shape bytesPerLine = 3 * width qImg = QImage(cvImg.data, width, height, bytesPerLine, QImage.Format_RGB888) 

and set this Qimage to Label.setPixmap parameter from Qimage. It works!!!

like image 74
AdityaIntwala Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09


Just complementing the answer of AdityaIntwala, if the image appears to be red or blue, it is because the format is not RGB, but BGR (the inverse). In this case, use the QImage.rgbSwapped method to correct:

height, width, channel = cvImg.shape bytesPerLine = 3 * width qImg = QImage(cvImg.data, width, height, bytesPerLine, QImage.Format_RGB888).rgbSwapped() 
like image 37
Sergio Montazzolli Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 12:09

Sergio Montazzolli