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TMemo with Auto Show/Hide Scrollbars

I need simple TMemo that does NOT display scroll bars when they are not needed (ie insufficient text), but does when they are. something like ScrollBars = ssAuto or like the TRichEdit HideScrollBars.

I have tried to subclass a TMemo and use the ES_DISABLENOSCROLL in the CreateParams like in the TRichEdit but it does not work.

Edit: This should work with or without WordWrap enabled.

like image 844
ZigiZ Avatar asked Apr 18 '12 15:04


People also ask

How do I keep scrollbars visible?

Head to Settings > Ease of Access > Display and scroll down to the “Simplify and personalize Windows” section and turn off the “Automatically hide scroll bars in Windows” switch.

How do I keep my scroll bar from disappearing?

Click Start > Settings. Under Windows Settings, scroll down, and then click Ease of Access > Display. Scroll down, and then set Automatically hide scroll bars in Windows to Off.

How do you make scrollbar only visible when scrolling?

Use overflow: auto . Scrollbars will only appear when needed. (Sidenote, you can also specify for only the x, or y scrollbar: overflow-x: auto and overflow-y: auto ).

1 Answers

If your memo is placed on the form, the form will be notifed with an EN_UPDATE when the text has been changed and the contents will be redrawn. You can decide here if there will be any scroll bars. I'm assuming we're playing with the vertical scroll bar and there's no horizontal scrollbar:

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Memo1: TMemo;
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    procedure WMCommand(var Msg: TWMCommand); message WM_COMMAND;


procedure SetMargins(Memo: HWND);
  Rect: TRect;
  SendMessage(Memo, EM_GETRECT, 0, Longint(@Rect));
  Rect.Right := Rect.Right - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXHSCROLL);
  SendMessage(Memo, EM_SETRECT, 0, Longint(@Rect));

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  Memo1.ScrollBars := ssVertical;
  Memo1.Lines.Text := '';
  Memo1.Lines.Text := 'The EM_GETRECT message retrieves the formatting ' +
  'rectangle of an edit control. The formatting rectangle is the limiting ' +
  'rectangle into which the control draws the text.';

procedure TForm1.WMCommand(var Msg: TWMCommand);
  if (Msg.Ctl = Memo1.Handle) and (Msg.NotifyCode = EN_UPDATE) then begin
    if Memo1.Lines.Count > 6 then   // maximum 6 lines
      Memo1.ScrollBars := ssVertical
    else begin
      if Memo1.ScrollBars <> ssNone then begin
        Memo1.ScrollBars := ssNone;

The thing with setting the right margin is that, removing/putting vertical scroll bar looks utter ugly if the text has to be restructured to fit in.

Note that the above example assumes a maximum of 6 lines. To know how many lines could fit in your memo see this question: How do I determine the height of a line of text in a TMemo programmatically?.

like image 171
Sertac Akyuz Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 01:11

Sertac Akyuz