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TinyMce submenu's not sticking to toolbar when using fixed_toolbar_container and absolute position

We would like to have a greater control of where and how we position the tinymce toolbar. We found this option fixed_toolbar_container which solves a lot for us but brings us an anoying problem. The documents say the fixed_toolbar_container (http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Configuration:fixed_toolbar_container) can be used to have a fixed toolbar. But we actually would like to use it to be absolute so we can position it relative to it's container.

I created a JS Fiddle to demonstrate the problem: http://jsfiddle.net/ronfmLym/2/. When you open the toolbar by clicking on the text the toolbar will be positioned absolute. When you open a submenu (i.e. by clicking on "file") a submenu will open. Now when you start scrolling the submenu won't stick to the toolbar. This is because these submenu's get the mce-fixed class because we set the fixed_toolbar_container property.

<div class="element">
    <div class="toolbar-container"></div>
    <div class="content">

Is there any way to make the submenu's stick to the toolbar when positioned absolute and scrolling? Keep in mind that we are switching to a fixed positioning when the toolbar is going off screen.

We thought we could maybe fix it by modifying the container element of de submenu's by using the piece of code below and overwriting the top-position of the submenu's and setting the positioner to absolute with css. But that seems to mess up the tooltips and tinymce doesn't recalculate the "left" css-property of the submenu's so the position in still off.

tinymce.ui.Control.prototype.getContainerElm = function() {
    return document.getElementById('toolbar-container');

The only corresponding question I could find on stackoverflow was this one: TinyMCE push down submenus using fixed_toolbar_container, no answers there.

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Iggy van Lith Avatar asked Dec 10 '14 10:12

Iggy van Lith

1 Answers

Tried wrapping the toolbar in a div and using position:relative; to try and hack it together, but didn't cooperate this time.

It appears that the toolbar actually is accounting for its position at the time of click. So your only conflict is if the opened toolbar is position:absolute and then changes to position:fixed or vice versa.

Your best [manual] bet would be to call a function at the same time that you change the position of the toolbar that:

  1. Detects if any menus are open.
  2. Changes the toolbar position.
  3. Reopens the menus that were open.

The lazy (discouraged) fix would be to close all submenus whenever the position changes. This will fix the layout, but it will require the user to click once again to bring the menu back.

Sorry this isn't a silver bullet answer :(

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Brian John Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 16:10

Brian John