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Ember Data: Saving a model with an association in one request

I have two ember models with a relationship like this

App.Foo = DS.Model.extend
   bar: DS.belongsTo("App.Bar", embedded: true)

App.Bar = DS.Model.extend
   primaryKey: "blah"
   blah: DS.attr "string

If I create and save a new record like this:

foo = App.store.createRecord App.Foo
foo.set "bar", App.Bar.createRecord(blah: "blahblah")

I see 2 post requests to the server:

URL: /foos
Payload: {"foo":{"bar":null}}


URL: /bars
Payload: {"bar":{"blah":"blahblah"}}

The association is embedded so I would like to see:

URL: /foos
Payload: {"foo":{"bar":{"blah":"blahblah"}}}

Can I achieve this with the ember-data REST adapter or do I need to write my own code to do this?

like image 358
Charlie Avatar asked Sep 27 '12 17:09


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1 Answers

I am observing the same behavior in my application. Setting 'embedded' to true only helps you get data as embedded, but while you post it separate requests will be generated. You have write your in code if you want to achieve it in one request.

like image 127
inertia Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 11:09
