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TinyMCE Advanced theme - Where is it?

I am in the process of creating a drop down list with contains a list of classes so my users can apply them to link, paragraphs etc. I have read in a lot of places now that the advanced theme supports this out of the box but I can't find out where to download this theme.

I suspect the advanced theme is Wordpress only at this point as I found it included in the wordpress download but not in a format that would allow me to use it.

Am I missing something?

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webnoob Avatar asked Jun 19 '13 17:06


People also ask

What TinyMCE advanced?

The Advanced Editor Tools Plugin, previously known as TinyMCE Advanced, increases the number of formatting tools such as tables, emoticons and custom font families that are available and gives you more control of which tools are included on the visual editor on the classic block or in the classic editor.

1 Answers

OK, I found out where the confusion lies.

TinyMCE versions 3.x contain the advanced theme but it is not shipped with 4.0 which I am using. I did download 3.x and try the advanced theme with 4.0 but it isn't compatible. Wordpress it seems ships with 3.x which is why I thought it was a wordpress only option.

For more info (hoping it helps someone else):

It seems now that you have to use the format_styles and custom_formats options against the TinyMCE editor to give users the ability to select styles. I have written some code that parses my CSS file, looks for all H2, 2 etc, P and A classes and populates those options. It's the long way round but it works very well. It' just a shame there is no out of the box routine.

I ended up using CssParser with the following code (C# - Copy pasting this won't work but it should give a good guide on what to do):

//Declared so we can deserialise into JSON
public class CustomFormat
    public string title;
    public string selector;
    public string classes;

private void BuildTinyMCECSS()
    List<string> AllowedTags = new List<string> { "p", "a", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6" };
    CssParser StyleSheet = new CssParser();

    //1: Only in our allowed tags. 2: Isn't a pseudo class. 3: Is a class of one of the allowed tags.
    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, StyleClass> Style in StyleSheet.Styles.Where(n => AllowedTags.Any(a => n.Key.StartsWith(a) && !n.Key.Contains(':') && n.Key.Contains('.'))))
        CustomFormat CF = new CustomFormat();
        CF.title = Style.Key;
        CF.selector = Style.Key.Substring(0, Str.IndexOf('.'));
        CF.classes = Style.Key.Substring(Style.Key.IndexOf('.') + 1);

            //Note: CCUtils is a static class I use for utilities. Any code to deserialise will work
        string JS = String.Format("{1},", Style.Key, CCUtils.SerializeToStringJSON(CF, typeof(CustomFormat)));
        Session["JS"] += JS;
    //Remove the spare comma at the end (ie won't like it)
    Session["JS"] = Session["JS"].ToString().Substring(0, Session["JS"].ToString().LastIndexOf(','));

My init code for style_formats looks like this (note, I have to re-add the default options as adding anything into style_format clears it's existing list.

    title: "Headers",
    items: [{title: "Header 1",format: "h1"}, {title: "Header 2",format: "h2"}, {title: "Header 3",format: "h3"}, {title: "Header 4",format: "h4"}, {title: "Header 5",format: "h5"}, {title: "Header 6",format: "h6"}]}, 
            {title: "Inline",items: [{title: "Bold",icon: "bold",format: "bold"}, {title: "Italic",icon: "italic",format: "italic"}, 
            {title: "Underline",icon: "underline",format: "underline"}, {title: "Strikethrough",icon: "strikethrough",format: "strikethrough"}, {title: "Superscript",icon: "superscript",format: "superscript"}, {title: "Subscript",icon: "subscript",format: "subscript"}, {title: "Code",icon: "code",format: "code"}]}, 
            {title: "Blocks",items: [{title: "Paragraph",format: "p"}, {title: "Blockquote",format: "blockquote"}, {title: "Div",format: "div"}, {title: "Pre",format: "pre"}]}, 
            {title: "Alignment",items: [{title: "Left",icon: "alignleft",format: "alignleft"}, {title: "Center",icon: "aligncenter",format: "aligncenter"}, {title: "Right",icon: "alignright",format: "alignright"}, {title: "Justify",icon: "alignjustify",format: "alignjustify"}]}, 
    title: "Classes", items: [<%= Session["JS"] %>]

More information on the style_formats option can be found here: TinyMCE Style Formats

like image 69
webnoob Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 02:10
