i am using the tinymce plugin for having formatted text in the textarea. I am also using the image Insert/Edit Images button(for inline images), but the browse file button does not seem to appear in the dialog boxes that opens after clicking it, so, i am not able to select a file now.
Below is the init of the plugin and some images of what i was hoping to see
selector: "textarea",
theme: "modern",
plugins: [
"advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak",
"searchreplace wordcount visualblocks visualchars code fullscreen",
"insertdatetime media nonbreaking save table contextmenu directionality",
"emoticons template paste textcolor moxiemanager"
toolbar1: "insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link code image | forecolor backcolor emoticons",
image_advtab: true,
statusbar : false,
menubar : false,
force_p_newlines : false,
force_br_newlines : true,
convert_newlines_to_brs : true,
forced_root_block : false,
paste_text_linebreaktype : "br",
width : 730,
height : 300,
templates: [
{title: 'Test template 1', content: 'Test 1'},
{title: 'Test template 2', content: 'Test 2'}
Well, after trying a few free file managers for tinymce, i came across this .
It is very easy to implement and the readme file give all the config necessary. This works perfectly good.
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