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TinyIoC - Multiple Implementations of Interface

I am just beginning to learn about IoC and Dependency Injection. I am planning on doing a MonoTouch project and wanted to use TinyIoC but I wanted to test it out first. I'm creating a dummy credit card processing console app and I'm having trouble with how to configure TinyIoC since I have multiple implementations of my interface. This is my test app.


public interface IPaymentProcessor
    void ProcessPayment(string cardNumber);

Two Implementations of the interface:


public class VisaPaymentProcessor : IPaymentProcessor
    public void ProcessPayment(string cardNumber)
        if (cardNumber.Length != 13 && cardNumber.Length != 16)
            new ArgumentException("Card Number isn't the correct length");

        // some code for processing payment


public class AmexPaymentProcessor : IPaymentProcessor
    public void ProcessPayment(string cardNumber)
        if (cardNumber.Length != 15)
            new ArgumentException("Card Number isn't the correct length");

        // some code for processing the payment

Simple stuff. Now I have a class that accepts the interface as a parameter in the constructor....


public class CreditCardProcessor
    public IPaymentProcessor PaymentProcessor { get; set; }

    public CreditCardProcessor(IPaymentProcessor processor)
        this.PaymentProcessor = processor;

    public void ProcessPayment(string creditCardNumber)

My console app looks like this....

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

        var creditCardProcessor = TinyIoCContainer.Current.Resolve<CreditCardProcessor>();
        creditCardProcessor.ProcessPayment("1234567890123456"); // 16 digits

So I am trying to figure out how to tell the Resolve which implementation of the interface to pass to the constructor. If I run this code, I will always use the VisaPaymentProcessor implementation.

So how can I make TinyIoC pass the AmexPaymentProcessor implementation to the constructor rather than the VisaPaymentProcessor(which seems to be the default)?

like image 840
Ryan Alford Avatar asked May 02 '12 20:05

Ryan Alford

Video Answer

1 Answers

I haven't used TinyIoC myself, but I suspect you want:


(If you want to use Amex.)

There are various other Register overloads available, including one which takes a name to use, which may be useful when you resolve. It really depends on what you're trying to achieve, which isn't terribly clear from the question.

like image 185
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 03:09

Jon Skeet