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Throwing a FaultException<T> from a WCF services causes 'The creator of this fault did not specify a Reason.'

When throwing a FaultException<CustomFault> like this:

throw new FaultException<CustomFault>(new CustomFault("Custom fault message"));

I get the following: "The creator of this fault did not specify a Reason." Now according to this MSDN article one isn't required to use the FaultReason

I have the following Service Contract:

CustomType[] SomeMethod(int someParameter);

public class CustomFault
    private string report;

    public CustomFault(string message)
        this.report = message;

    public string Message
        get { return this.report; }
        set { this.report = value; }

There is a comment on the MSDN article that suggest it is mandatory to use the other FaultReason, but in several other places I have seen people arguing that you shouldn't use the FaultReason unless necessary.

So my question is as follows; is it really mandatory to use the FaultReason and if not - how can i prevent the exception raised when trying to throw a FaultException?


By running the sample project from this article I get the excact same behavior. Maybe it's caused by an update in .NET an the documentation/samples not being updated.

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Nicklas Møller Jepsen Avatar asked Mar 08 '12 08:03

Nicklas Møller Jepsen

People also ask

Why We Need fault contracts in WCF why not just use error codes?

A Fault Contract is a way to handle an error/exception in WCF. In C# we can handle the error using try and catch blocks at the client-side. The purpose of a Fault Contract is to handle an error by the service class and display in the client-side.

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Fault exception in WCF. It is used in a client application to catch contractually-specified SOAP faults. By the simple exception message, you can't identify the reason of the exception, that's why a Fault Exception is useful.

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Retrace can automatically collect all . NET exceptions that are occurring within your application with no code changes. This includes unhandled exceptions in WCF but can also include all thrown exceptions, or first chance exceptions.

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In a service, use the FaultException class to create an untyped fault to return to the client for debugging purposes. In a client, catch FaultException objects to handle unknown or generic faults, such as those returned by a service with the IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults property set to true .

1 Answers

The fault reason is required while the details are optional.

WCF uses the value of the FaultException.Reason property to populate the <faultstring> element of the SOAP Fault, which is required by the SOAP specification:

The faultstring element is intended to provide a human readable explanation of the fault and is not intended for algorithmic processing. [...] It MUST be present in a SOAP Fault element and SHOULD provide at least some information explaining the nature of the fault.

Hence, you must provide a reason for the fault when throwing a FaultException from a WCF service.

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Enrico Campidoglio Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 10:09

Enrico Campidoglio