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Timespec redefinition error [duplicate]


While executing a Pthread program in C using Visual Studio 2015, I got the following error:

Error C2011 'timespec': 'struct' type redefinition 

The following is my code:

#include<pthread.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h>   void *calculator(void *parameter);  int main(/*int *argc,char *argv[]*/) {     pthread_t thread_obj;     pthread_attr_t thread_attr;     char *First_string = "abc"/*argv[1]*/;     pthread_attr_init(&thread_attr);         pthread_create(&thread_obj,&thread_attr,calculator,First_string);  } void *calculator(void *parameter) {     int x=atoi((char*)parameter);     printf("x=%d", x); } 

The pthread.h header file contains the following code related to timespec:

#if !defined(HAVE_STRUCT_TIMESPEC) #define HAVE_STRUCT_TIMESPEC #if !defined(_TIMESPEC_DEFINED) #define _TIMESPEC_DEFINED struct timespec {         time_t tv_sec;         long tv_nsec; }; #endif /* _TIMESPEC_DEFINED */ #endif /* HAVE_STRUCT_TIMESPEC */ 

No other header file which I use uses the timespec struct, so there is no chance of redefining. There is no chance of a corrupted header file because it has been downloaded from pthread opensource website.