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Timelion split multiple times

Is there any possibility to split multiple times in timelion?

Currently I use an expression like this:

.es(q='name:*jvm*', metric=avg:mean, split=name.keyword:10)
  .label(regex='.*whatever\.(.*) >.*', label=$1)

resulting in a timeseries diagram.

If I would like to add a second application, I'd just add another expression with an additional AND in the es query and split like this:

.es(q='name:*jvm* AND app:one', metric=avg:mean, split=name.keyword:10)
  .label(regex='.*whatever\.(.*) >.*', label='one-$1'),
.es(q='name:*jvm* AND app:two', metric=avg:mean, split=name.keyword:10)
  .label(regex='.*whatever\.(.*) >.*', label='two-$1')

Isn't it possible to do this in a single expression?

like image 926
Franz Ebner Avatar asked Nov 12 '18 11:11

Franz Ebner

1 Answers

you can apply split multiple times inside .es().

Try this:

.es(q='name:*jvm*', metric=avg:mean, split=app.keyword:10, split=name.keyword:10)
  .label(regex='.*whatever\.(.*) >.*', label='$1-$2')
like image 141
axiom Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 14:11
