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Time Complexity of two for loops [duplicate]

So I know that the time complexity of:

for(i;i<x;i++){    for(y;y<x;y++){       //code    } } 

is n^2

but would:

for(i;i<x;i++){    //code } for(y;y<x;y++){    //code } 

be n+n?

like image 690
James Avatar asked May 03 '11 15:05


People also ask

What time complexity is 2 for loops?

In a common special case where the stopping condition of the inner loop is j < N instead of j < M (i.e., the inner loop also executes N times), the total complexity for the two loops is O(N2).

Are two for loops slower than one?

It would depend on the logic inside of them (nested loops etc). Theoretically, They'd run the same, as they're both linear. (Both are 100 iterations). So the Big O Time Complexity is O(N), where N is the size of the loop.

What is the time complexity of a for loop?

Every time you run this loop; it will run 10 times. In other word, this for loop takes constant time. So, the time complexity will be constant O (1). The time complexity of this for loop would be O (n) because the number of iterations is varying with the value of n.

What is the time complexity of two non nested for loops?

It would be O(2n) because you run n+n = 2n iterations.

1 Answers

Since the big-O notation is not about comparing absolute complexity, but only relative one, O(n+n) is in fact the same as O(n). Each time you double x, your code will take twice as long as it did before and that means O(n). Whether your code runs through 2, 4 or 20 loops doesn't matter, since whatever time it takes for 100 elements, it will take twice the time for 200 elements and 100 times the time for 10'000 elements, no matter how much time of that is spent within which loop.

That's why big-O is not saying anything about absolute speed. Whoever assumes that a O(n^2) function f() is always slower than a O(log n) function g(), is wrong. The big-O notation only says that if you keep increasing n, there will be a point where g() is going to overtake f() in speed, however, if n always stays below that point in practice, then f() can always be faster than g() in real program code.

Example 1
Let's assume f(x) takes 5 ms for a single element and g(x) takes 100 ms for a single element, but f(x) is O(n^2), g(x) is O(log2 n). The time graph will look like this:

enter image description here
Note: Up to 7 elements, f(x) is faster, even though it is O(n^2).
For 8 or more elements, g(x) is faster.

Example 2
A binary search is O(log n), an ideal hashtable (without collisions) is O(1), but trust me, a hashtable is not always always faster than a binary search in reality. Using a good hash function, hashing a string can take more time than the whole binary search does. On the other hand, using a poor hash function creates plenty collisions and the more collisions means that your hashtable lookup will not really be O(1), because most hashtables solve collisions in a way that will make lookups either O(log2 n) or even O(n).

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Mecki Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 00:10
