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Thymeleaf - How to loop a list by index

How can I loop by index?


public Foo {     private List<String> tasks;     ... } 


<p>Tasks:     <span th:each="${index: #numbers.sequence(0, ${foo.tasks.length})}">         <span th:text="${foo.tasks[index]}"></span>     </span> </p> 

I got parse error

org.thymeleaf.exceptions.TemplateProcessingException: Could not parse as each: "${index: #numbers.sequence(0,  ${student.tasks.length})}" 
like image 441
richersoon Avatar asked Jul 14 '16 06:07


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How do you break the loop in Thymeleaf?

The best solution would be the put this logic in the controller and put the first product of type 'T' in a separate attribute. If that's not possible, another solution would be to write a Thymeleaf extension (or if using Spring a bean) that does this.

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The only way I found is to build an other object containing those two objects, and pass it. That works well, but I can't create that kind of object, it's nonsense (even if it works). Of course, the objects aren't as simple as Foo and Bar here, otherwise I would have merge those two.

What is th block Thymeleaf?

th:block is a Thymeleaf element rather than an attribute, and it has the general syntax: 1 2 3. <th:block> <!-- Your HTML code --> </th:block> th:block allows you to apply the same Thymeleaf attribute, like th:if or th:each to a block of code.

1 Answers

Thymeleaf th:each allows you to declare an iteration status variable

<span th:each="task,iter : ${foo.tasks}"> 

Then in the loop you can refer to iter.index and iter.size.

See Tutorial: Using Thymeleaf - 6.2 Keeping iteration status.

like image 146
Jim Garrison Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09

Jim Garrison