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Throwing Exceptions with Mockito in Kotlin

I am using Kotlin and am trying to throw an Exception on a specific method invocation but always get the following error

Checked exception is invalid for this method!
Invalid: exceptions.ServiceException

This is the test

val client : IClient = Mockito.spy(Client(Cnf("https://:region.example.com", key)))

@Test(expected = ServiceException::class)
fun test400ResponseFrom() {
    val url = "https://example.com/example/user/v3/user/by-name/JACKAPPLE"

    Mockito.doThrow(ServiceException("Bad Request")).`when`(client).makeRequest(url ,riotkey)
    client.getUserDataByNameAndRegion("jackapple", "BR")

Basically the getUserDataByNameAndRegion method will invoke the makeRequest method and with this test I want to validate that the method is handling the result of the stubbed method correctly.

The original method looks like this

@Throws(NotFoundException::class, ServiceException::class)
fun makeRequest(url: String, key : String) : String {
    val con = prepareConnection(url, key)
    val statusCode = con.responseCode
    when {
        (statusCode == 400) -> throw ServiceException("Bad Request")
        (statusCode == 401) -> throw ServiceException("Unauthorized")
        (statusCode == 403) -> throw ServiceException("Forbidden")
        (statusCode == 404) -> throw NotFoundException("Data not Found")
        (statusCode == 415) -> throw ServiceException("Unsupported Media Type")
        (statusCode == 429) -> throw ServiceException("Rate limit exceeded")
        (statusCode == 500) -> throw ServiceException("Internal Server Error")
        (statusCode == 502) -> throw ServiceException("Bad Gateway")
        (statusCode == 503) -> throw ServiceException("Service unavailable")
        (statusCode == 504) -> throw ServiceException("Gateway timeout")
        (statusCode == 200) -> {
            return getStringResponseFromConnection(con)
        else -> {
            throw ServiceException("Respondend with Statuscode ${statusCode}")
like image 513
Jakob Abfalter Avatar asked Feb 25 '18 20:02

Jakob Abfalter

People also ask

How do you throw an exception on Kotlin?

Android App Development for Beginners All the exceptions in Kotlin are the descendants of Throwable class. In Kotlin, developers do have the privilege to create their own custom Exception. Custom Exceptions are a part of unchecked exceptions which means they will be thrown at the runtime.

Can we use Mockito with Kotlin?

Mockito has been around since the early days of Android development and eventually became the de-facto mocking library for writing unit tests. Mockito and Mockk are written in Java and Kotlin, respectively, and since Kotlin and Java are interoperable, they can exist within the same project.

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Kotlin does not have checked exceptions.

2 Answers

You can try the following idea (taken from similar discussion on github):

.doAnswer { throw ServiceException("Bad Request") }
like image 177
AbstractVoid Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 05:10


Kotlin does not support creating methods that throw checked exceptions. You can either define makeRequest in Java, or change ServiceException to extend RuntimeException.

like image 35
Paul Hicks Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 04:10

Paul Hicks