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Three.js Get Camera lookAt Vector



I'm looking to translate the camera along its lookAt vector. Once I have this vector, I can do scalar translation along it, use that point to move the camera position in global coordinates and re-render. The trick is getting the arbitrary lookAt vector? I've looked at several other questions and solutions but they don't seem to work for me.

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Frank Miller Avatar asked May 13 '14 22:05

Frank Miller

2 Answers

You can't get the lookAtVector from the camera itself, you can however create a new vector and apply the camera rotation to that.

var lookAtVector = new THREE.Vector3(0,0, -1);
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Kevin Kuyl Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 19:11

Kevin Kuyl

The first choice should be cam.translateZ();

There is a second option as well. You can extract the lookAt vector from the matrix property of the camera object. You just need to take the elements corresponding to the local z-axis.

var lookAtVector = new THREE.Vector3(cam.matrix[8], cam.matrix[9], cam.matrix[10]);
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Isolin Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 17:11
